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Laravel Products

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Package description

This Package provides the features of "Products". Normally for applications like Point of Sale, Inventory Management System Pharmacy Management System, Library Management System etc. , we need Products Models and Migrations along with Front-End. So in this package, the most required features for Products are added. If the package doesn't meet the needs properly then it can be customized easily to meet your needs.

Simple Products Management Package with Attributes, Variations, Costs, Prices , Images and many more.


  • Vue Components for each possible features .
  • Components are reusable. So, the default layout can be modified according to the needs of your application.
  • Currently, the front-end uses Bootstrap-Vue, but you can easily change its layout.
  • The front-end vue components are packaged as an npm package. You can use it as a module for the bundlers eg. Webpack,
  • Products Attributes.
  • Products Variations
  • Facility of extending the package.


Install via composer

composer require wovosoft/laravel-products

Publish Configuration File

  1. Publish the configuration file.

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Wovosoft\LaravelProducts\ServiceProvider" --tag="config"
  2. Publish the Vue Components. The Published components will be copied to resources/laravel-products/permissions folder. You need use the component inapp.js

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Wovosoft\LaravelProducts\ServiceProvider" --tag="resources"
  3. Publish the Migrations

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Wovosoft\LaravelProducts\ServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
  4. Publish the Seeds

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Wovosoft\LaravelProducts\ServiceProvider" --tag="seeds"


  1. Check the published configuration file in config/laravel-products.php , before running migration command. If you need to extend the package, then you may need to disable to routes. You can do it by disabling routes_enabled property to false.

  2. Now Make the required tables by running below command.

    php artisan migrate

    If you want to install demo data, then first you need to publish the seeds by step #3. If it is done, then run database seeding command. Don't forget to check your database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php file. ProductsSeeder.php file should be there, and you need to add this to the run method in database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php. Now, you can run the database seed command.

    php artisan db:seed

    Also, You can run both migration and seeding command at once, by running below command.

    php artisan migrate:seed
  3. Go to config/laravel-products.php . Modify the configs if you need.

    return [
        'routes' => [
               'enabled' => true,
               'namespace' => 'Wovosoft',
               'prefix' => 'backend',
               'middleware' => ['web', 'auth']
        'PER_PAGE' => env('PER_PAGE') ?? 15,
        'products' => [
            'table' => 'products',
            'model' => \Wovosoft\LaravelProducts\Models\Products::class,
            'fillable' => ['*'],
            'types' => [
            'default_type' => 'countable',
            'units' => [
            'default_unit' => 'Quantity',
            'attributes' => [
                'table' => 'product_attributes',
                'model' => \Wovosoft\LaravelProducts\Models\ProductAttributes::class,
                'fillable' => ['*'],
            'variations' => [
                'table' => 'product_variations',
                'model' => \Wovosoft\LaravelProducts\Models\ProductVariations::class,
                'fillable' => ['*']
        'categories' => [
            'table' => 'product_categories',
            'model' => \Wovosoft\LaravelProducts\Models\ProductCategories::class,
            'fillable' => ['*'],
        'brands' => [
            'table' => 'product_brands',
            'model' => \Wovosoft\LaravelProducts\Models\ProductBrands::class,
            'fillable' => ['*'],
        'assignments' => [
            'products_brands' => [
                'table' => 'products_brands_assignments',
                'model' => \Wovosoft\LaravelProducts\Models\ProductsBrandsAssignments::class,
            'products_categories' => [
                'table' => 'products_categories_assignments',
                'model' => \Wovosoft\LaravelProducts\Models\ProductsCategoriesAssignments::class
        'resource_path' => resource_path('wovosoft/laravel-products')
  4. The package adds the routes automatically prefixed by backend, so your other routes shouldn't be prefixed by backend. However, you can change it in config/laravel-products.php config file. To check the registered routes, run in your terminal from project's root,

    php artisan route:list

API Documentation

The full featured api documentation is not yet available. This will come very soon. However, for now please check the package's source. Everything is commented nicely. You can get the idea easily from the comments.


If you discover any security related issues, please email or create issue in the Github Repository.


This package is bootstrapped with the help of wovosoft/crud.


Laravel Products for POS, ERP, Inventory etc.







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