Build: https://ci.webfilings.com/build/2435011
Skynet Results: https://wf-skynet-hrd.appspot.com/apps/test/smithy/2435011/latest
Pipeline: https://w-rmconsole.appspot.com/release/pipeline/6714101484224512/
This patch release includes the following changes:
Bug Fixes
- #623 CPLAT-12068 Include deprecation annotations on legacy props mixins
- CPLAT-12068 Include deprecation annotations on legacy props mixins
#487 CPLAT-12081 Readme Improvements
- CPLAT-12081 Readme Improvements
#619 Boyscoutin: Replace deprecated ExpansionPanel with new Accordion from MaterialUi
#624 RM-81159 RM-81158 Release over_react 3.8.1
- RM-81159 CONSUME over_react 3.8.1
- RM-81158 RELEASE over_react 3.8.1
Notes created on Thursday, September 03 06:39 PM UTC