Build: https://ci.webfilings.com/build/2213351
Skynet Results: https://wf-skynet-hrd.appspot.com/apps/test/smithy/2213351/latest
Pipeline: https://w-rmconsole.appspot.com/release/pipeline/6152669623484416/
This minor release includes the following changes:
New Features and Improvements
- #469 CPLAT-9691 Improve HOC Errors
- CPLAT-9691 Document that HOCs only work with Component2, throw if Component1 is provided
- #486 RM-68469 RM-68468 Release over_react 3.5.0
- RM-68468 RELEASE over_react 3.5.0
- RM-68469 CONSUME over_react 3.5.0
Notes created on Wednesday, April 15 11:49 PM UTC