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Welcome to the Simple Latent Diffusion Model

🌐 README in Korean: KR 한국어 버전

This repository contains a simplified implementation of a latent diffusion model. The code and contents will be updated continuously.

Dataset Generation Process of Latents Generated Data



The following example demonstrates how to use the code in this repository.

import torch
import os

from auto_encoder.models.variational_auto_encoder import VariationalAutoEncoder
from helper.data_generator import DataGenerator
from helper.painter import Painter
from helper.trainer import Trainer
from helper.loader import Loader
from diffusion_model.models.latent_diffusion_model import LatentDiffusionModel
from import UnconditionalUnetwork
from diffusion_model.sampler.ddim import DDIM

# Path to the configuration file
CONFIG_PATH = './configs/cifar10_config.yaml'

# Instantiate helper classes
painter = Painter()
loader = Loader()
data_generator = DataGenerator()

# Load CIFAR-10 dataset
data_loader = data_generator.cifar10(batch_size=128)

# Train the Variational Autoencoder (VAE)
vae = VariationalAutoEncoder(CONFIG_PATH)  # Initialize the VAE model
trainer = Trainer(vae, vae.loss)  # Create a trainer for the VAE
trainer.train(dl=data_loader, epochs=1000, file_name='vae', no_label=True)  # Train the VAE

# Train the Latent Diffusion Model (LDM)
sampler = DDIM(CONFIG_PATH)  # Initialize the DDIM sampler
network = UnconditionalUnetwork(CONFIG_PATH)  # Initialize the U-Net network
ldm = LatentDiffusionModel(network, sampler, vae, image_shape=(3, 32, 32))  # Initialize the LDM
trainer = Trainer(ldm, ldm.loss)  # Create a trainer for the LDM
trainer.train(dl=data_loader, epochs=1000, file_name='ldm', no_label=True)  
# Train the LDM; set 'no_label=False' if the dataset includes labels

# Generate samples using the trained diffusion model
ldm = LatentDiffusionModel(network, sampler, vae, image_shape=(3, 32, 32))  # Re-initialize the LDM
loader.model_load('./diffusion_model/check_points/ldm_epoch1000', ldm, ema=True)  # Load the trained model
sample = ldm(n_samples=4)  # Generate 4 sample images
painter.show_images(sample)  # Display the generated images
