This is the source code for using a Telegram bot with a thermal printer
Install requirements from requirements.txt
Add a config.json
next to
and include:
{ "token": "<telegram bot token>",
"admin_id": <telegram admin id>,
"port": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
"baud": 38400,
"auto_cut": true,
"max_width": 512,
"timezone": "Europe/Amsterdam",
"url_start_tags": ["https://", "http:/"],
"url_end_tags": [" ", ". ", "\n", ", ", "https://", "http:/"],
"trello_api_key": "<trello_api_key>",
"trello_api_secret": "<trello_api_secret>",
"trello_token": "<trello_token>"}
- Prints text, images, stickers, and images disguised as documents
- Extracts URLs from text, and prints them as QR codes
- Prints images in portrait layout, unless they'd be super long, then it just prints them landscape
- Print license support, including grant/revoke rights for owner
- Prints Trello lists and its cards and checklists
- Audio to waveform visualisation