Really tiny library to basic RTC functionality on Arduino, ESP8266, STM32, ESP32 and other microcontrollers.
DS1307, DS3231 and DS3232 RTCs are supported (and compatibles)
Supported features:
- SQuare Wave Generator
- Fixed output pin for DS1307
- RAM for DS1307 and DS3232
- temperature sensor for DS3231 and DS3232
- Alarms (1 and 2) for DS3231 and DS3232
EEPROM support has been moved to
You can get it from Arduino libraries directly, searching by uRTCLib.
For manual installation:
- Get the ZIP.
- Rename to
- Install library on Arduino
You can find all documentation and extras in this repository:
Due GitHub limitations HTML documentation is not avaliable online, you need to download the zip.
Included on example folder, available on Arduino IDE.
- Check .h file to see all constants and per-model limitations
- Alarm pin is normaly HIGH and turns LOW when active.
- When using alarms, you need to clear the alarm flag manually using alarmClearFlag(). If not done alarm maintains its LOW state.
- When using alarms SQWG is turned off. When using SQWG alarms are turned off. They're mutually excluding.
- Naguissa
Any code contribution, report or comment are always welcome. Don't hesitate to use GitHub for that.
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Thanks for your support.
Contributors hall of fame: