CamelBoard ~ The MySQL-less messageboard software.
*Welcome To CamelBoard MessageBoard software!
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Download ZIPCreated and Written from scratch by: WinterVein credits to:
- WinterVein, for creating CamelBoard),
- Steve Dawson, for writing the password protection PHP script(you can find him at http://www.stevedawson.com/)
- The BootStrap Team(Mdo, Fat, and the rest of their contributers) for writing the BootStrap CSS framework that is utilized by CamelBoard (you can find them at http://getbootstrap.com/)
- the creators of ace editor (you can find them at:http://ace.c9.io/) NOTE:
- Admin blog posts can involve html, php, css, and javascript (this is so that you can style your posts).
- Things posted to the messageboard (respondwrite.html) do not allow use of code(this is for saftey reasons).
Libraries used: -bootstrap
1(VERY VERY IMPORTANT!!!!). First you need to set up your blog!
- To do this you must visit yoursitename.com/config.php in yourbrowser and follow the instructions listed there.
2(optional but useful to know)you can delete posts! -To do this, view config.php in your browser, and go to the "delete comments" section, and enter the replyid of the thread you want to delete (does not work for Sub-replyid). also, you may want to reset the threads and comments every once in a while, to do this, navigate to the "THREAD AND COMMENT CLEARER/RESETER" section and click the button.
3(optional). Change the Blog/discussion board Name.
- To do this simply open up config.php and navigate to the "Blog/Discussion Board name configuration" section and change the name.
4(optional). MODIFY ANYTHING YOU WANT! including but not limited to:css style, php scripts, background color, and more!