This is an injection tool that can inject any xposed modules apk into the debug android app, the native code in the xposed module can also be injected.
Android Version: 5-12
Architecture: arm, arm64
App: debuggable==true
injected code: java, c/c++
Platform: macOS
Clone this project to your macOS.
$ cd jdwp-xposed-injector
$ com.to_be_injected.packageName injected_xposed_module.apk
This first parameter is the package of the app that you want to inject to, the second parameter is the path of the xposed module apk file.
"fast_mode" can be added to avoid data copy if it is the second time injection.
$ com.to_be_injected.packageName injected_xposed_module.apk fast_mode
The injected_xposed_module.apk
file is a xposed module sample build by project:
The proejct XposedModuleSample includes using xposed api to hook java methods and using cydiaSubstrate to hook c/c++ functions.
- In some cases, the injection command may excute failed, if this happened, try it again.