___ _ _____ _______ __ ____ __ __ __ _____ ____ ____
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- Nord:
- Tomorrow Night
- Colemak bindings ('hnei') variant
- Lazy load packages via packer.nvim
- A companion mini.lua for compatibility with
- Custom non-distracting statusline (it's actually quite distracting)
- TODO: Debugging Adapter Protocol (Not a fan of vimspector)
- Doesn't support vanilla vim
See global/mappings.vim plugin/options.vim
- Nord-ish (minimal version of arcticicestudio/nord.vim)
- Gruvbox Material-ish (minimal version of sainnhe/gruvbox-material)
- Tomorrow Night-ish (minimal version of base16 tomorrow-night theme)
- packer.nvim (lua interface to builtin package manager)
- plenary.nvim => for hererocks and other 3rd party lua packages should you need it.
- luvjob.nvim => wrapper around nvim libuv
- expressline.nvim => easily roll your own async statusline
- vim-surround (yslw, cs, S, ds)
- fzf.vim (fuzzy finder)
- vim-easy-align (for prettifying stuff)
- vim-sneak (nice motion plugin)
- vim-mundo (Undotree)
- nvim-colorizer.lua (pretty colors, great stuff)
- vim-commentary (commenting)
- findr.nvim (Emacs's ivy on neovim)
- vim-signify (async gutters)
- git-messenger.vim (cool hovering blame)
- gitui (not a plugin, but an external git ui)
- nvim-lsp (builtin lsp neovim-nightly)
- completion-nvim (completion for builtin lsp)
- diagnostic-nvim (for jumping around diagnostics)
- nvim-treesitter (seriously awesome)
- Go: vim-go
- Markdown: vim-table-mode, vim-markdown-composer (live-preview)
- Latex: vimtex
- Lua: nvim-luadev (lua repl)
- Formatting: sbdchd/neoformat (for you know, formatting stuff)
- wiki.vim (minimal vimwiki alternative)
- firenvim => nvim in yo browser
- tjdevries
- mfussenegger
- theHamsta
- fsouza
- cyproterone / ms-jpq
- [-] nvim-dap
- treesitter
- [-] fix bootstrapping script
- [-] CI