Live the way you wanna live, but if you aren't doing what you love and having fun, you're doing it wrong
- 🔭 Hiking the path to freedom
- 🌱 Currently learning Java, Games Design, and Guitar
- 💬 Talk to me about Svelte, TypeScript, and our Struggle Against Capitalism
- ⚡ Fun fact: Employers have described me as a 'once in a blue moon' talent for my software dev skills
- 📫 Get in touch via email
I love working with these technologies
These technologies don't excite me, but I like them
I know my way around this stuff, but I prefer the alternatives
You want me to use these? Let me clarify; I am Not going to use these
Look ma, I'm an average GitHub user!
Created with 🌶️ by Willster Johnson