A 6502 Assembler, Parser and Emulator written in JavaScript / TypeScript
Assembler. Contains an API for programmatically assembling a 6502 program.
Instruction definitions. The heart of all the j65 libraries. Describes all the 6502 opcodes and contains micro-code instructions for them.
Assembler utilities. Contains helper functions for programmatic assembling.
NES Assembler utilities. Contains helper functions for easier NES assembly.
Simulator. Contains an API for running an assembled 6502 program from byte code.
Note: Not fully functional yet, as not all micro-codes for each opcode have been implemented. See j6502-instr.js
const J6502_Program = require('j6502');
const JM65 = require('jm65');
// Create rom
let prg = new J6502_Program(0x10);
prg.add('LDA_IMM', 0);
prg.add('LDA_IMM', 10);
prg.add('LDA_IMM', 60);
prg.add('LDA_IMM', 99);
let rom = prg.build();
// Create the emulator and load the rom
let emu = new JM65.J6502_Emulator();
// Step through the program
let s;
s = emu.getStatus();
console.log('A register:', s.A); // Will print 'A register: 0'
s = emu.getStatus();
console.log('A register:', s.A); // Will print 'A register: 10'
s = emu.getStatus();
console.log('A register:', s.A); // Will print 'A register: 60'
s = emu.getStatus();
console.log('A register:', s.A); // Will print 'A register: 99'
NES Emulator. Uses jm65.js and emory mapping to emulate the NES.
Parser. Contains an API for parsing and assembling a 6502 program from source code.
const JP65 = require('jp65');
// Parse
let p = new JP65.J6502_Parser();
let prg = p.parse([
'; This is a comment'
'lda #$01 ; Another comment',
'lda #$02',
'bne test_label',
'bne $fb',
'jmp test_label',
// Build the parsed program to byte-code
let b = prg.build();
// b will contain the following byte-code Buffer:
// [
// 0xa9, 0x01, // lda_imm #$01
// 0xa9, 0x02, // lda_imm #$02
// 0xd0, 0xfc, // bne -3
// 0xd0, 0xfb, // bne -4
// 0x4c, 0x02, 0x00, // jmp
// 0x00 // brk
// ];