- Welin 2018.02.23
- modified in 2018.10.31
- update in 2021.10.14
In the project, so many ways are provided to implement ROS-Qt GUI, namely rqt, such as qt4, qt5, pyqt4. Also ROS could be treated as a open-source library to extend some other module by using CMAKE, not just using catkin_make/rosbuild, to make the development more flexible.
- In this project, three approaches are provided to implement ROS&Qt GUI and another two projects for PyQt GUI.
- In the test_gui package, it just modified the example in catkin_create_qt_pkg depending on qt_build using Qt4 library.
- In the rqt_mypkg package, it is the C++ rqt_plugin test depending on rqt_gui_cpp.
- In the qt_ros_test package, it combines ROS with Qt5 library.
Remeber to add Qt install environment to the CMAKE_PRFIX_PATH such as set(Qt5_DIR "path/to/cmake/Qt5")
before find_package(Qt5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gui Widgets)
if you encounter the following problem.
The above three are written in C++ programmer. The following two below are written in Python.
- In the ros_pyqt package, it uses PyQt (PyQt4) to implement the GUI.
- In the pyqt_gui package, it uses PyQt and python_qt_binding to implement the GUI.
In the qt4rosgui package, it uses Qt4 libraries to implement the ROS-GUI NOT depends on qt-ros package (namely command catkin_create_qt_pkg
In the librviz_test package, it uses librviz to build a visualizer tool for display using Qt4.
For more complicated examples, please see the package dyn_cfg_gui or ros_cv_gui, it is the implementation for rqt_reconfigure and some image processing by using OpenCV and Qt5. Also see ROS_dynamic_reconfig, ros_cv_qt_gui and ros_opencv_pro for detail.
$ mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
$ cd catkin_ws/src
git clone the project from the corrent URL
$ cd ..
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
Then, rosrun test_gui test_gui
or rosrun qt_ros_test qt_ros_test_node
or rosrun qt4rosgui qt4rosgui_node
. The effect is below:
To run the rqt_mypkg, just open rqt (rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui
), and the "rqt first C++ plugin" could be found in the Plugins menu. The effect is below:
To run ros_pyqt or pyqt_gui, just using the command python ros_pyqt
or python pyqt_gui
. The effect is below:
If you have a mobile robot such as TurtleBot or else, the slam navigation status could be shown as below. Just run ros vizlib_test vizlib_test_node
Using rosrun dyn_cfg_gui dyn_cfg_gui
command, the effect is shown below.
The ros&opencv example is also provided as shown below.
$ rosrun ros_cv_gui ros_cv_gui_node
the ros_cmake package could be separated in a individual directory, not using catkin_make/rosbuild.
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ ./ros_cmake #the executable program
The effect is shown below, the topic has been subscribed. Remember to open roscore at first.