👋 Hi there, I’m Murat N. aka [Wayne] linkedin 👋
- 👀 I’m interested in DevOps and AWS Cloud
- 🌱 WEb3-Blockchain-Cryptocurrency-Metaverse
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on AWS-DevOps projects
- 🔭 Check out Linkedin: Murat N.Linkedin!
- 🌱 You can check my Fiver freelancing gigs 🤣: Murat N. Fiver!
- 👯 I have work samples and a portfolio for you: Murat N. Portfolio!
- 🥅 You can check my profile on Koinmedya.com: Murat N. Profile!
- ⚡ I have a link tree that you can find much more about me: Murat N. Link Tree!
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