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[rover_nav] Navigation by Costmap

Alexandra Graß edited this page Jul 11, 2019 · 1 revision


  1. Clone the repo as well as rover_sim
  2. Build and source
  3. In rover_sim/launch/simulation_joy.launch replace
    <arg name="rvizconfig" default="$(find rover_config)/rviz/qr_detection.rviz" />
    by <arg name="rvizconfig" default="$(find rover_config)/rviz/nav.rviz" />.


To test the Navigation use roslaunch rover_sim simulation_joy.launch. This will launch the Simulation, including a representation in rviz and Gazebo. Open a new Terminal, and execute roslaunch rover_nav rover_navigation_fake_loc.launch. The costmap will now be visible in rviz. Furthermore, the interface for defining a navigation goal is available. Simply click on the button 2D Nav Goal and choose a white (= passable) area on the costmap as destination. Click on this spot and drag the cursor in one direction, to define the final orientation of the rover as well.

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