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WARSYNC v0.9.9
    Warsync is the program that initiates replication between the Warsync
    server and it's clients. Warsync is designed to be called from the
    command line of the Warsync server to initiate replication on demand. It
    can also be called from cron on the server to automate replication.

    Warsync not only replicates files from the server to the client, but can
    also synchronize what software packages are installed on a Debian
    GNU/Linux system.

    Warsync determines what files to replicate by processing the
    /etc/warsync/filepacks.d directory on the server. This directory
    contains *filepacks* which are simple text files that contain lists of
    the files and directories that should be replicated.

    Warsync can be downloaded from the Warsync Alioth project page at

    It is available as a Debian package (.deb) and as a source tarball

    It is also available as an apt-get source using the following entry:

     deb sarge warsync
     deb-src sarge warsync

    On a Debian GNU/Linux system, the best way to install Warsync is to add
    the apt sources lines above to your /etc/apt/sources.list file. You can
    then be able to install Warsync with the following commands:

     apt-get update
     apt-get install warsync

    Alternatively you can download the Debian package directly and install
    it with dpkg.

     dpkg -i warsync_0.9.9_all.deb

    If you receive an error about missing dependencies, a quick call to
    apt-get will fix that up.

     apt-get -f install

    On other Linux distributions, or if you are a glutton for punishment,
    Warsync can also be installed manually from the source tarball.
    Although, this method has not been tested. A from source installation
    would go something like this:

     tar zxvf warsync_0.9.9.tar.gz
     cd warsync-0.9.9
     perl Makefile.PL
     make install

Warsync Configuration
    First configure the Warsync server by executing the following command on
    the system that will serve as the Warsync server.

     warsync-config --server

    Next configure Warsync clients by executing the following command on
    each Warsync client.

     warsync-config --client

    Back on the Warsync server, execute the following command to fully
    register each client system with the server.

     warsync-add-client clientname

    After this you will need to create *filepacks* in the
    /etc/warsync/filepacks.d directory on the Warsync server. Each filepack
    should contain a list of directories or files to be replicated when the
    filepack name is specified on the warsync command line.

    Filepack should list each file or directory pattern to be replicated one
    per line. It is best to have several filepacks where each filepack
    replicates a group of related files and directories. For instance you
    may have one filepack called homes that will replicate user home
    directories. You could have another filepack called website that will
    replicate the files for your website. Another filepack called config
    could be used to copy configuration or "/etc" files that you want to
    keep replicated between server and client.

    To match a file, specify the full absolute path to the file. For
    example, "/etc/passwd". Wildcards "?" and "*" may also be specified. "?"
    matches any single character, while "*" will match zero or more
    characters. For example, "/etc/pa*" could match "/etc/pam.conf" and

    To replicate a directory and all it's subdirectories, specify two
    asterisk, "**" after the directory name. For example "/home/**" will
    replicate everything in the "/home" directory. If only one asterisk is
    specified, then only the files directly contained in the directory will
    be replicated. The subdirectories will not be replicated.

    To exclude files from being replicated that would match the wild card in
    another entry, specify them on line before the include line. It should
    start with "- " (a minus followed by a space). For example,
    "- /etc/network/interfaces" followed by "/etc/network/**" would
    replicate all files and subdirectories contained in the "/etc/network"
    directory, except the "interfaces" file.

    Filepacks may also contain comments and are signified when the first
    non-whitespace character on a line is a "#".

    An example homes filepack could look like:

     # replicate home directories.
     # replicate root's home, but not it's .ssh directory
     # otherwise warsync will probably break.
     - /root/.ssh

    Example website filepack could be as simple as:


    A config filepack for replicating config files could look like:

     # copy user info
     # ssh config
     - /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key*
     - /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key*

    Some directories that you probably never want to completely replicate
    any top level directories, especially /boot, /cdrom, /dev, /floppy,
    /initrd, /lost+found, /mnt, /proc, /tmp, and /var. You also probably
    shouldn't replicate /bin, /lib, /sbin, or /usr as these directories
    should be managed by your operating systems package management system.
    Although replicating /usr/local shouldn't hurt. While you may want to
    replicate some of the files in /etc, you definitely do NOT want to
    replicate them all. Also replicating the /etc/warsync directory will
    break configuration on the clients. The following directories are
    sensitive to warsync's operation and should not be replicated unless you
    absolutely know what you are doing:


    Warsync makes no effort to keep you from replicating things you that you
    shouldn't. A good rule of thumb is to be very explicit about what to
    replicate and use fewer wildcards rather than more. And if you don't
    know what a file does, don't replicate it.

Running Warsync
    To replicate a single filepack, specify it on the warsync command line
    like so:

     warsync foobar

    The above command will replicate the files and directories specified in
    /etc/warsync/filepacks.d/foobar file pack. Multiple filepacks can be
    specified at once to replicate several filepacks one after the other:

     warsync homes website

    This would replicate the homes filepack, and then the website file pack.

    To replicate all filepacks, specify "--all-filepacks" on the command

     warsync --all-filepacks

    You can also use "-a" for short to replicate all filepacks:

     warsync -a

    If you want to test a filepack to see what will be replicated before
    actually making any real live changes, you can specify "--dry-run" on
    the command line:

     warsync --dry-run config

    This will simulate replication of the config filepack. You can also use
    "-n" for short instead of "--dry-run".

     warsync -n foobar

    If you want to see more verbose output about what is happening then
    specify "--verbose" on the command line:

     warsync --verbose homes

    You can also specify "-v" as a shortcut. To see even more output, you
    can specify multiple "v"'s like so:

     warsync -vv config

    And of course this can be combined with "-n" to simulate a replication
    with extra output:

     warsync -vn --all-filepacks

    To completely limit the output produced by warsync so that it will only
    display output if an error occurs, add "--quiet" to the command line:

     warsync --quiet homes

    And of course "--quiet" can be shortened to just "-q" as in:

     warsync -q foobar

    By default warsync will replicate specified filepacks to all clients. If
    you only want to replicate to a specific warsync client, you can specify
    the "--client" option on the warsync command line;

     warsync --client=web2 website

    The above command would replicate the website filepack to only the
    client named web2. More than one client can be specified at a time by
    using multiple "--client" options:

     warsync --client=web2 --client=web9 website

    Warsync can also synchronize the software packages installed on Debian
    GNU/Linux systems. The Debian package synchronization will install,
    remove, upgrade, and/or *downgrade* the Debian packages on a Warsync
    client in order to match the packages installed on the server.

    To synchronize the Debian packages installed on the client with those on
    the server, specify the "--debian" option on the warsync command line.

     warsync --debian

    If "--debian" is specified along with filepacks, the filepacks will be
    replicated first before doing the Debian package synchronization.

    Warsync can also be used to take a snapshot of installed Debian packages
    and then later used to "restore" back to this state. This comes in handy
    if you want to install a package that requires several libraries that
    you don't want to leave installed if you later decide to remove the
    package. Prior to installing the new package, take a snapshot of
    installed Debian packages by executing:

     warsync --debian-snapshot=debsnap

    This will write the snapshot to the debsnap file in the current
    directory. Later when you want to restore back to package state, run the

     warsync --debian-from-snapshot=debsnap

    The debsnap file can also be copied to another system with Warsync
    installed to install the same packages on another system.

Automating Warsync Via Cron
    Warsync can be comfortably run from a crontab for filepack replication.
    In fact warsync does special handling when it is not run from a tty,
    such as when run from cron, and will not display any output unless
    changes are made, or "-v" has been specified on the command line. In
    this fashion, when warsync runs from cron, you will not receive a cron
    email unless changes were actually made on the server. This helps to cut
    down on the noise level if you want to run warsync periodically through
    out the day, but only want to receive a notification when a change was
    made. If you always want to receive output even when no changes were
    made, specify "-v" on the warsync command line in the crontab. If you
    want to receive no output at all, specify "-q" on the command line. In
    this case you will only receive an email if there was an error.

    It should be noted that running Warsync from cron to do Debian package
    synchronization has not been extensively tested and should be considered
    experimental. This is mainly because when a new package is installed or
    upgraded, you may be prompted to answer configuration questions, which
    can yield unpredictable results when running from cron.

    Because warsync can replicate individual filepacks at a time, it is
    beneficial to put multiple cron entries that replicate different
    filepacks throughout the day. For instance, you might want to
    automatically replicate changes to the website every thirty minutes, but
    only replicate user home directories every two hours. And you may want
    to do a full replication every night at 11 o'clock. In that case you
    might have a crontab that looks like this:

     15,45 * * * * /usr/sbin/warsync website
     30 */2 * * * /usr/sbin/warsync homes
     0 23 * * * /usr/sbin/warsync -a

    Of course it might get pretty annoying to get emailed about every single
    change made to users' home directories. To quiet the noise, you'll want
    to change the second crontab line as shown below.

     30 */2 * * * /usr/sbin/warsync -q homes

Advanced Configuration
    For those of you that really want to get the most out of Warsync, there
    are some advanced configuration options you can specify in the
    server.conf file and within filepacks.

  server.conf Options
    While filepacks tell Warsync *what* to replicate, the server.conf file
    tells Warsync *where* and *how* to perform its replication. The
    server.conf file stores the list of Warsync clients and different
    options that apply to each individual client. The server.conf file uses
    the INI config style that is prevalent on Microsoft Windows and also
    used in MySQL. Each client's config is started off with a config
    grouping line in the form of "[client-*clientname*]". Then each
    "name=value" line afterwards is applied to the client until the next
    config group line is reached. Comments may be included in the
    server.conf just like in filepacks. Comments are preceeded by "#"

    A typical server.conf might look like this:

     fqdn =
     port = 22
     compress = 0
     skip = 0
     fqdn =
     port = 22
     compress = 0
     skip = 0

    The above config file lists to Warsync clients, web2 and web3. It also
    specifies their fully-qualified domain names, what port to connect over
    for ssh, that compression should not be used, and neither one is skipped
    by default. These four options are configured whenever you run
    warsync-add-client clientname. When you run that command, it will ask
    you questions for each of these four options and set them appropriately
    in the server.conf file. The warsync-add-client script is very well
    behaved and will even preserve any other options and comments that may
    have been entered into the server.conf file by hand. Allowed server.conf
    options are detailed below:

        This is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the client that
        the Warsync server should use when contacting the client. An IP
        address may be used instead of a FQDN if desired.

        This is the port that Warsync should use to connect to the SSH
        server on the client. Default is 22.

        This specifies whether to use compression when communicating with
        the client when a true value is used. Compression will most likely
        speed things up if your server and client are separated across the
        Internet. Using compression on a LAN will most likely slow things
        down. Default is 0 (disabled).

        By default, when running warsync all clients are replicated if not
        clients are specified specifically on the command-line using the
        "--client" option. Any client configs that have "skip" set to a true
        value (1) will be skipped when running warsync without explicitly
        specifying the client on the command-line. Default 0 (not skipped).

        The "ignore_debs" option can be used to specify a space delimited
        list of Debian packages that should be unchanged during Debian
        package synchronization. Package names will be matched as Perl
        regular-expressions. So specifying "vi" would ignore all packages
        that contain the string "vi" any part of the name such as: "vim",
        "nvi", "sysvinit", "kivio", etc. If you want to match a string
        exactly, prefix it with a "^" and end it with a "$" such as: "^vi$"

        This long option name provides introduces some very cool
        functionality to Warsync. When "dot_warsyncignore" is set to a true
        value (ex: 1), before the server replicates a filepack, it will scan
        the client for .warsyncignore files. This allows you to place
        .warsyncignore files anywhere on the client to tell warsync software
        not to replicate a particular directory or individual files within
        it. .warsyncignore files work very much like .cvsignore files if you
        are familiar with those. They also have an extra feature, that if
        you put a single . on a line in the file, then the entire directory
        *containing* the .warsyncignore file will be ignored. This ability
        works very well if you want to have your development environment
        replicate off of your production environment. You can temporarily
        place .warsyncignore files in directories contain the changes you
        are testing in development. Once you are done testing you can remove
        the .warsyncignore files and then everything will be fully
        replicated with production the next time you run Warsync. For
        example perhaps you are testing changes you have made to the
        index.html file for your website. In your web directory place a
        .warsyncignore file that simple contains:

         ## don't replicate index.html for now

        Then whenever that directory is Warsync'd, the index.html will be
        untouched. If you wanted to temporarily keep your entire web
        directory from being changed then you would create a .warsyncignore
        file like so:

         ## don't replicate anything in this directory

        As you can see, just like in filepacks and the server.conf you can
        specify comments with the "#" character.

        The use of .warsyncignore files is an important and useful feature
        of Warsync. While filepacks are configured on the server and
        primarily tell Warsync what *to* replicate, .warsyncignore files are
        placed on individual clients and tell Warsync what *not to*
        replicate. Cool indeed.

        If you want to specify particular options to use when rsync is used
        for a particular client for all filepacks, you can specify it using
        the "rsync_opt" option in server.conf. This could be used for
        instance if you wanted to limit the bandwidth throughput used when
        replicating to a particular client. You could specify:

         rsync_opt = --bwlimit=40

        That would limit the bandwidth rsync uses to 40 KBytes per second.
        Multiple rsync options should be specified on the same line.

         rsync_opt = --delay-updates --bwlimit=40 --partial

  Filepack Options
    When processing a filepack, Warsync recognizes a few options that change
    its behavior when processing a filepack. Filepack options are specified
    one on each line in the form of:

     name = value

    There are currently five supported warsync options: "delete",
    "rsync_opt", "mod_cmd", "pre_cmd", and "post_cmd". Filepack options are
    case-insensitive, so you may write them in upper-case for clarity.

        By default Warsync will delete files from clients that do not exist
        on the server when a filepack is replicated. If you would like files
        to always be left on the client even though they do not exist on the
        server, specify "delete=0" in your filepack.

        If there are any extra rsync command-line parameters used Warsync
        uses rsync to replicate a filepack, you can specify them using the
        "rsync_opt" option in a filepack. You may use multiple "rsync_opt"
        lines in a filepack if you want to pass more than one option to
        rsync, or you can specify options on one line. Examples:

         rsync_opt = --omit-dir-times
         rsync_opt = --checksum

        Is the same as:

         RSYNC_OPT = --omit-dir-times --checksum

        The "mod_cmd" option is used to specify a command to run *on the
        client* if any modifications where made while replicating the
        filepack. The command will run after the filepack has finished
        replicating any changes needed for the filepack. Multiple "mod_cmd"
        lines may exist. They will be run one after the other in the order
        they are specified in the filepack. If no files or directories where
        added, modified, or deleted the command will not be run. This is
        useful, for instance, if you group the config files for a particular
        application into a filepack, you can have a "mod_cmd" that restarts
        the application if the config files have changed. Here is an example
        filepack that restarts Apache if the Apache config files were

         RSYNC_OPT = --omit-dir-times
         MOD_CMD = /usr/sbin/apachectl configtest && /etc/init.d/apache reload

        In the above example, the /etc/apache directory and contents will be
        replicated along with the SYSV init script /etc/init.d/apache. If
        any of those files change, the /usr/sbin/apachectl configtest
        command will run which will make sure that a bad config hasn't been
        replicated and will then reload Apache if the config was good using
        the /etc/init.d/apache init script.

        The mod_cmd also supports some basic printf style substitution. The
        following substitutions will be made:

         %s   server name
         %c   client name
         %f   filepack
         %%   % character

        Here is a fairly useless example showing some of these substitutions
        in use:

         mod_cmd = echo Something changed replicating %f from %s to %c

        The above "mod_cmd" would simply print out the message "Something
        changed replicating filepackname from servername to clientname".

        If a "mod_cmd" returns with an error code, all further replication
        will stop and an error message will be displayed specifying what
        error code was received.

        The "pre_cmd" option works just like "mod_cmd" except that it always
        runs and it runs *before* any changes have been made to files on the

        The "post_cmd" option is similar to "pre_cmd" in that it always
        runs, but it runs after any file replication has taken place, and
        after any "mod_cmd"'s.

        The "skip" option does for filepacks what the server.conf "skip"
        option does for Warsync clients. If set to true (1) in a filepack,
        that filepack will be skipped when using the --all-filepacks
        command-line parameter.

About the Author
    Paul Baker has been developing applications in Perl since 1997. He also
    maintained the popular ClanRing Quake Mod
    <<>> from 1997 to 1999. Paul has been a
    full time Perl developer and sysadmin since 2000. In 2001, Paul began
    the PFARS <<>> project on SourceForge which
    aimed to be a useable cluster/server replication system. Warsync was
    started by Paul in 2004 as a complete rewrite of PFARS from the ground

    Special Thanks to FeedBurner <<>> employing
    Paul Baker and paying his bills while working on Warsync since 2006.
    Special thanks to Where2GetIt <<>> for
    sponsoring the work of PFARS and Warsync from 2001-2005. Thanks go to
    Steve Johnson for helping to test Warsync. Thanks to Vijay Avarachen for
    writing the HOWTO for PFARS that I never got around to including on the
    PFARS website and also for the idea of doing Debian package *version*
    synchronization. And finally thanks to Kurt Stephens for coming up with
    the name Warsync which is so many times better than PFARS.

    Warsync - Wrapper Around Rsync v0.9.9

    Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Paul J. Baker

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
    by the Free Software Foundation.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

    You may contact the author via electronic mail at
    "pauljbaker -at-".

    $Rev: 167 $ $Date: 2006-02-24 10:02:36 -0800 (Fri, 24 Feb 2006) $


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