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Question types

Vladimir Khil edited this page Oct 29, 2023 · 3 revisions

This page describes well-known question types and their parameters. Question type defines unique rules (order of actions) to play the question.

Question play consists of:

  • displaying content in a specified order
  • detecting question price
  • detection answerer
  • asking for answer and validating it

Common parameters


Type: content

Description: defines main question content items. There could be multiple items. By default, they are played (shown or sound) sequentially. This behavior could be altered by setting waitForFinish item property to false. In that case affected item will be played along with the next item. waitForFinish could be set to false for multiple content items so they all will be played together.


Type: content

Description: optional parameter that defines answer content items. They are played by the same rules as main question items. If question has a simple text answer, this parameter could be skipped.

Question types


Defines basic question where all players have right to answer. First to press the button answers. If they is wrong, other players could also press and answer. A player cannot answer question twice. Question price is used as-is, for both right and wrong answers.


Players make stakes, staring with moving player and then in the order of increasing scores (and then returning to the first one). Each player except the first stake action could pass or make a stake bigger than previous stake. On the first stake action it is possible to stake a nominal (question initial price). If player goes All-In (put all their money on a stake), other players could only pass or go All-In too.

When all players except one pass, the left player plays question with its stake.


All players make hidden stakes and all answers (by providing hidden answers) the question. Each player earns or looses money according to their answer.


Moving player gives question to another player (or themselves) to answer. The answerer could select question price and then plays the question.



Type: simple

Description: defines a custom theme for the question. This theme overrides default question theme.


Type: numberSet

Description: defines a range of possible prices for the question. The answerer could select the question price from this range.


Type: simple

Description: detects which players could be selected as answerer.


  • any - any player could be selected
  • exceptCurrent - any player except deciding player could be selected


This is the same type as the secret question except that the question custom theme and price are known before the question is given to an answerer. The same type parameters are supported.


This question is also given to another player but it does not contain any challenge - question price is added to player's score automatically.


Moving player answers this question. Question positive price is equal to doubled nominal; question negative price is 0.