LoRa Server is a LoRaWAN network-server. It is responsible for the communication with the LoRa gateway(s) and applications. Communication with the applications and gateways is done over MQTT. Configuration of applications and nodes can be done with the provided web-interface or JSON-RPC API.
Note: This project is under development. Please test and give feedback but know that things might break!
Currently implemented:
- (unconfirmed) data up
- (confirmed) data down
- activation by personalization (ABP)
- over-the-air activation (OTAA)
- sending / receiving of MAC commands
- web-interface
- JSON-RPC API (see web-interface for documentation)
- ISM bands
- EU 863-870
- US 902-928
- AU 915-928
See the http://loraserver.readthedocs.org/ for documentation about setting up the LoRa Server and receiving and sending data.
Pre-compiled binaries are available for:
- Linux (and ARM build for e.g. Raspberry Pi)
- OS X
- Windows
See releases.
LoRa Server is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE