v1.8.10 - (July 2, 2024)
- PATCH: Based on a good suggestion by @visortgw, a secondary-only backup option was added. This
was prompted when possible issues could arise where you might be unable to back up to your primary
backup target, upon which BACKUPMON would exit in an error state by default. Now, a "-secondary"
switch has been added that simply runs a secondary backup (without any purges). Example usage:
"backupmon -secondary". As always, you can hit "backupmon -h" or "backupmon -help" for a full list
of commands.
- PATCH: @vibroverbus made a good observation on some inconsistencies in the y/n prompts within the
script compared to other scripts such as AMTM. It seems the function I'm using would automatically
accept the y or n keypress and keep running without needing to hit enter. This function has now
been changed so you can you change your mind after typing y or n, and lets you correct yourself
before needing to manually hit the enter key now.