Superseeded by
A dart cryptocurrency library for Flutter, primarily build for Peercoin.
This library is a fork of the seemingly discontinued bitcoin_flutter merged with bech32.
Released under the terms of the MIT LICENSE.
Inspired by bitcoinjs
Otherwise, pull requests are appreciated.
- Peercoin
- Bitcoin
- a lot of Bitcoin clones, please advise
import 'package:coinslib/coinslib.dart';
import 'package:bip39/bip39.dart' as bip39;
main() {
var peercoin = NetworkType(
messagePrefix: 'Peercoin Signed Message:\n',
bech32: 'pc',
bip32: Bip32Type(public: 0x043587cf, private: 0x04358394),
pubKeyHash: 0x37,
scriptHash: 0x75,
wif: 0xb7,
opreturnSize: 256,
var seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(
'praise you muffin lion enable neck grocery crumble super myself license ghost');
var hdWallet = HDWallet.fromSeed(
network: peercoin,
); //default network is Bitcoin
// => PAEeTmyME9rb2j3Ka9M65UG7To5wzZ36nf
// => 0360729fb3c4733e43bf91e5208b0d240f8d8de239cff3f2ebd616b94faa0007f4
// => 01304181d699cd89db7de6337d597adf5f78dc1f0784c400e41a3bd829a5a226
// => U59hdLpi45SME3yjGoXXuYy8FVvW2yUoLdE3TJ3gfRYJZ33iWbfD
var wallet = Wallet.fromWIF(
'U59hdLpi45SME3yjGoXXuYy8FVvW2yUoLdE3TJ3gfRYJZ33iWbfD', peercoin);
// => PAEeTmyME9rb2j3Ka9M65UG7To5wzZ36nf
// => 03aea0dfd576151cb399347aa6732f8fdf027b9ea3ea2e65fb754803f776e0a509
// => 01304181d699cd89db7de6337d597adf5f78dc1f0784c400e41a3bd829a5a226
// => U59hdLpi45SME3yjGoXXuYy8FVvW2yUoLdE3TJ3gfRYJZ33iWbfD
The below examples are implemented as integration tests:
- Generate a random address
- Validating address
- Generate an address from a SHA256 hash
- Import an address via WIF
- Generate a Testnet address
- Generate a Litecoin address
- Generate a native Segwit address
- Create a 1-to-1 Transaction
- Create a 2-to-2 Transaction
- Create a Transaction with a SegWit P2WPKH input
- Import a BIP32 testnet xpriv and export to WIF
- Export a BIP32 xpriv, then import it
- Export a BIP32 xpub
- Create a BIP32, bitcoin, account 0, external address
- Create a BIP44, bitcoin, account 0, external address
- Use BIP39 to generate BIP32 addresses
- Build a Transaction w/ psbt format
- Add Tapscript / Taproot feature
pub run test
- BIP39 - Mnemonic generation for deterministic keys
- BIP32 - BIP32
- Base58 Check - Base58 check encoding/decoding