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Pectobacterium and microbiome analysis of potato stem samples

Please download or obtain access to the following before doing the analysis


Clean metagenomic raw reads

Metagenomic analysis

Map host genome and remove mapped reads

Illumina QC


Trimmomatic cleans the metagenomic Illumina reads based on quality control. Trimmomatic uses Java, therefore for our script, we use the module system to use it.

module load jdk/1.8.0
for i in $(ls *.fastq | grep "_R1" | cut -f 1 -d "_"); do \
N=$(basename $i .fastq); java -jar trimmomatic-0.39.jar PE -phred33 \
#Seperate files into R1 and R2
${i}_R1.fastq ${i}_R2.fastq \
/cleanreads/$N.R1.unpaired.fastq \
/cleanreads/$N.R2.unpaired.fastq \
ILLUMINACLIP:NexteraPE-PE.fa:2:30:10 \

#We use /cleanreads/ as the outputfolder
#make sure your PATH for your raw data does not contain underscores as that will be cut and the script will not work.

Use trimmomatic unpaired reads: Sometimes there are several unpaired reads after cleaning with Trimmomatic, most likely due to issues with the sequencer. To avoid losing that information, merging paired-end reads and concatenating them with the unpaired reads to run the next programs as single-end reads is possible.

  1. merge paired-end reads is a script from Kraken to merge reads like this ATGCxATGG
for i in $(ls trimmo/*.paired.fastq | grep "_R1" | cut -f 1 -d "_"); do \
N=$(basename $i .paired.fastq); ./ --fq --output-format legacy \
${i}_R1.paired.fastq ${i}_R2.paired.fastq > /trimmo-merge/$N.paired.fastq; done
  1. Concat
#combine all fq files as one.
cat S1_unpairedforR1.fastq S1_unpairedforR2.fastq S1_paired.fastq > S1_all.fq

Metagenome Analysis

Kraken - Create a database using NCBI genomes

  1. Download Taxonomy to create a database called DB
cd /kraken2/
./kraken2-build --download-taxonomy --db /folder/DB
  1. Add genomes to the database library
#keep all NCBI genomes in the same folder (genomes/) to create a library with a loop.

for files in /genomes/*.fna; do \
./kraken2-build --add-to-library $file --db /folder/DB; done
  1. Build the database
./kraken2-build --build --db /folder/DB

Kraken - run the analysis for paired-end reads

#input-location/ is a folder that contains all the clean metagenomic raw reads.

cd /kraken2
for i in $(ls /input-location/*.fastq | grep "_R1" | cut -f 1 -d "_"); do \
N=$(basename $i .fastq); ./kraken2  \
--db /folder/DB \
--paired --report $ \
--output $N.kraken \
${i}_R1.fastq ${i}_R2.fastq; done

Kraken - run the analysis for single-end reads or combined reads

#input-location/ is a folder that contains all the concatenated raw reads.

cd /kraken2
for i in /input-location/*.fq; do \
N=$(basename $i .fastq); ./kraken2  \
--db /folder/DB \
--report $ \
--output $N.kraken \
${i}.fq; done


Create a collection of signatures (a database)

  1. Sourmash sketch to create the signature
#genomes is a folder that has all the bacterial genomes of interest
sourmash sketch dna -p k=31 genomes/*.fna -outdir genomesDB
  1. Index the DB
sourmash index -k 31 genomesDB/*.sig

Create signatures for the metagenomic reads

#for paired-end reads
for i in $(ls metagenomic_reads/*.fq | grep "_R1" | cut -f 1 -d "_"); do \
N=$(basename $i .fq);sourmash sketch dna -p k=31 ${i}_R1.fq ${i}_R2.fq --name $N \
-o $;done
#for single-end reads
for i in *.fq; do \
N=$(basename $i .fq);sourmash sketch dna -p k=31 ${i}.fq --name $N \
-o $;done

Compare DB signatures with the metagenomics reads

for i in $ $; do N=$(basename $i .zip); sourmash gather -p k=31 $i

Remove host reads before metagenomic analysis

Another option is to remove the host (potato) reads before the analysis


module load bwa/0.7.17
bwa index hostgenome.fa \

#for paired-end reads
for i in $(ls metagenomicreads/*.fastq | grep "_R1" | cut -f 1 -d "_"); do \
N=$(basename $i .fastq); bwa mem hostgenome.fa ${i}_R1.fastq ${i}_R2.fastq \
> $N.sam; done
#for single-end reads
for i in *.fastq; do \
N=$(basename $i .fastq); bwa mem hostgenome.fa ${i}.fastq > $N.sam; done


The unmapped reads to the potato genome can be extracted from the SAM file. The unmapped reads correspond to the microbial reads.

  1. convert to bam files and sort
cd /output-location
for i in /bwamem-output-location/*.sam; do \
N=$(basename $i .sam); samtools sort $i -O bam -o $N.bam; done
  1. Keeping unmapped reads
for i in *.bam; do \
N=$(basename $i .bam); samtools view -b -f 4 $i -o $N.unmapped.bam; done
  1. sort unmapped
for i in *.unmapped.bam; do \
N=$(basename $i .unmapped.bam); samtools sort $i -n -o $N.sorted.bam; done
  1. convert bam to fastq files
for i in *.sorted.bam; do \
N=$(basename $i .sorted.bam); samtools fastq $i > $N.nonpotato.fastq; done


Data and script for a potato metagenomic analysis








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