The Python Novu SDK and package provides a fluent and expressive interface for interacting with Novu's API and managing notifications.
To install this package
# Via pip
pip install novu
# Via poetry
poetry add novu
This package is a wrapper of all the resources offered by Novu, we will just start by triggering an event on Novu.
To do this, you will need to:
- Create your first notification workflow and keep in mind the identifier to trigger the workflow:
- Retrieve your API key from the Novu dashboard directly in the settings section:
- Write code to trigger your first event:
from novu.api import EventApi
event_api = EventApi("", "<NOVU_API_KEY>")
name="<YOUR_WORKFLOW_ID>", # The workflow ID is the slug of the workflow name. It can be found on the workflow page.
payload={}, # Your Novu payload goes here
This will trigger a notification to the subscribers.
Firstly, make imports and declare the needed variables this way:
from novu.api import EventApi
url = ""
api_key = "<NOVU_API_KEY>"
# You can sign up on to get your API key from
Trigger an event - Send notification to subscribers:
from novu.api import EventApi
novu = EventApi(url, api_key).trigger(
name="digest-workflow-example", # This is the Workflow ID. It can be found on the workflow page.
recipients="<SUBSCRIBER_IDENTIFIER>", # The subscriber ID can be gotten from the dashboard.
payload={}, # Your custom Novu payload goes here
Bulk Trigger events - Trigger multiple events at once:
from novu.dto.event import InputEventDto
from novu.api import EventApi
url = ""
api_key = "<NOVU_API_KEY>"
event_1 = InputEventDto(
name="digest-workflow-example", # The workflow ID is the slug of the workflow name. It can be found on the workflow page.
payload={}, # Your custom Novu payload goes here
event_2 = InputEventDto(
novu = EventApi("", api_key).trigger_bulk(events=[event1, event2])
Broadcast to all current subscribers:
novu = EventApi(url, api_key).broadcast(
payload={"customVariable": "value"}, # Optional
from novu.dto.subscriber import SubscriberDto
from novu.api.subscriber import SubscriberApi
url = ""
api_key = "<NOVU_API_KEY>"
# Define a subscriber instance
subscriber = SubscriberDto(
subscriber_id="82a48af6ac82b3cc2157b57f", #This is what the subscriber_id looks like
first_name="", # Optional
last_name="", # Optional
phone="", # Optional
avatar="", # Optional
# Create a subscriber
novu = SubscriberApi(url, api_key).create(subscriber)
# Get a subscriber
novu = SubscriberApi(url, api_key).get(subscriber_id)
# Get list of subscribers
novu = SubscriberApi(url, api_key).list()
from novu.api import TopicApi
url = "<NOVU_URL>"
api_key = "<NOVU_API_KEY>"
# Create a topic
novu = TopicApi(url, api_key).create(
key="new-customers", name="New business customers"
# Get a topic
novu = TopicApi(url, api_key).get(key="new-customers")
# List topics
novu = TopicApi(url, api_key).list()
# Rename a topic
novu = TopicApi(url, api_key).rename(key="new-customers", name="New business customers")
# Subscribe a list of subscribers to a topic
novu = TopicApi(url, api_key).subscribe(key="old-customers", subscribers="<LIST_OF_SUBSCRIBER_IDs>")
# Unsubscribe a list of subscribers from a topic
novu = TopicApi(url, api_key).unsubscribe(key="old-customers", subscribers="<LIST_OF_SUBSCRIBER_IDs>")
from novu.api.feed import FeedApi
url = "<NOVU_URL>"
api_key = "<NOVU_API_KEY>"
# Create a Feed
novu = FeedApi(url, api_key).create(name="<SUPPLY_NAME_FOR_FEED>")
# Delete a Feed
FeedApi(url, api_key).delete(feed_id="<FEED_NOVU_INTERNAL_ID>")
# List feeds
novu = FeedApi(url, api_key).list()
from novu.api.environment import EnvironmentApi
url = "<NOVU_URL>"
api_key = "<NOVU_API_KEY>"
# Create an Environment
novu = EnvironmentApi(url, api_key).create(
parent_id="<INSERT_PARENT_ID>" # Optional. Defaults to None
# # List existing environments
novu = EnvironmentApi(url, api_key).list()
# # Get the current environment
novu = EnvironmentApi(url, api_key).current()
# # Retrieve an environment's API_KEY
novu = EnvironmentApi(url, api_key).api_keys()
from novu.api.tenant import TenantApi
url = "<NOVU_URL>"
api_key = "<NOVU_API_KEY>"
# Create an Environment
tenant = TenantApi(url, api_key).create(
data={} # Optional. Defaults to {}
# List existing tenants
tenants = TenantApi(url, api_key).list()
tenants = TenantApi(url, api_key).list(page=1, limit=10)
# Get a tenant
tenant = TenantApi(url, api_key).get("<TENANT-IDENTIFIER>")
# Patch some field of a tenant
tenant = TenantApi(url, api_key).patch(
# Delete a tenant
TenantApi(url, api_key).delete("<TENANT-IDENTIFIER>")
After a quick start with the SDK, you'll quickly get to grips with the advanced use of the SDK and the other APIs available.
For this purpose, documentation is available here:
# install deps
poetry install
# pre-commit
poetry run pre-commit install --install-hook
poetry run pre-commit install --install-hooks --hook-type commit-msg
Feature requests, bug reports and pull requests are welcome. Please create an issue.
Be sure to visit the Novu official documentation website for additional information about our SDK. If you need additional assistance, join our Discord server here.
Novu Python SDK is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.