An aspiring developer with a wide range of intresets and strong passion for building things.
- Android Development with Kotlin and Java
- Backend Development with Python Django
- Car Workshop Application Java, JavaFX, SQLite
- Visitor Data Entry Application Java, JavaFX, SQLite
- LittleLemon REST API Python, Django Rest Framework, Postman, Swagger
- Bookr App Android Java
- Soundboard App C#, WPF
- Miwok App Android Java
- Recipe Application Flutter
- Text Steganography App Python, PyQT
- Suduko Solver Java, Swing
- AI Tic-Tac-Toe Godot Game Engine
- To Do List API C#, ASP.NET, Entity Framework
- Chinese Checkers AI Python, PyQt5
- CLI Ride Sharing Application Java, SQLite, Springboot
- Vector Quantization Image Compression Java
- JS Calculator HTML, JS, CSS
- Standard Huffman Text Compression Java
- LZ Text Compression Java
- Java Linux Terminal Java