Student Management System using Flask and MySQL To run the code
To run:- >Extract all the files >Open XAMPP and Start Apache and MySQL and click on admin on MySQL >on the server which just opened on a browser click on "New" >on "create database" title box give a DB name of your choice >click on "import" and click on "choose file" >select the "student.sql" which you imported from the repository and scroll down and click on "go" >open "" in text editor and on line 26 which has "app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI']='mysql://root@localhost/students' replace the students with the name given by you in the xampp server for DB. (for ex: if you gave DB name in XAMPP server as studentdbms , replace student with studentdbms) >open terminal in your text editor "It's better to install and run the code in virtual environament" >type "pip install virtualenv" and click enter >type "virtualenv myenv" >to activate the virtual environment type "myenv\Scripts\acivate" and enter >now install flask by typing "pip install flask" in command prompt(do not exit virtualenv) >now install flask alchemy by typing "pip install Flask-SQLAlchemy" and enter >now install flask-mail by typing "pip install Flask-Mail" and enter. >now type "pip install mysqlclient" and enter >If you are using VS code install "HTML snippets" and "python" extensions >now install flask login by typing "pip install Flask-Login" on cmd >now type "cd student-management" and enter in cmd >and type "python" in cmd and enter >You will get a server link starting with http://... >copy that link and paste on your pc browser > the project is executed now
If you want to run again after installing all the required s/w:- >open cmd in the Student management file >myenv\Scripts\actiavte >cd student-management >python