VHDL_GENERATOR is a java swing application that can generate VHDL Code it can generate the VHDL file given information of the VHDL interface(entity,port,signals, ...) and a Testbench template file also it can generate ready to use VHDL Component like(Mux,Demux,Adder,...).
- VHDL Code generator
- VHDL Component Generator
Java jdk(>=18)
: for generating the javadoc -
JUnit 5
: for unit testing -
: for the UI themes(Looks And Feels) -
: to enforce coding rules -
: for auto formatting code -
: for generating the Jar file with all dependencies
you need to clone the repository first
git clone https://github.com/Var7600/VHDL-GENERATOR
go to the VHDL-GENERATOR directory run
- Building
mvn install
- Running
java -jar target\VHDL_GENERATOR-0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
- Javadoc : you can find the javadoc documentation of the project in
- UML : there's UML representation of the project in pdf file(you got to zoom in to see clearly)
add a option to directly generate testbench file by copying VHDL code to the editor or by choosing a VHDL file
add more Component in Library(Multiplier, Divider, Shifter, Floating Point Adder, T Flip-Flop, ROM, ALU . . . )
If you want to contribute to a project and make it better, your help is very welcome. you can report bug reports/issues, feature requests and the noblest of all contributions: a good, clean pull request.
first you can create folder in
HDL-library\ (ex: Multiplier)
write your VHDL code there
also a Testbench!
then you can add a package in
and follow same construction in others
component class
- Create a personal fork of the project on Github.
- Clone the fork on your local machine. Your remote repo on Github is called
. - Add the original repository as a remote called
. - Create a new branch to work on! from
. - Implement/fix your feature, comment your code.
- Follow the code style of the project, including indentation(some plugins(checkstyle,foramtter) by maven take care of that so you can write like you want and fix after)
- If the project has tests run them!
- Write or adapt tests as needed.
- Add or change the documentation as needed.
- Push your branch to your fork on Github, the remote
. - From your fork open a pull request in the correct branch.
- Once the pull request is approved and merged you can pull the changes from
to your local repo and delete your extra branch(es).