This application is used to open and navigate through a power point file, performing the operations like opening ppt file, going to specific page number, starting slideshow, changing slides back and next, etc. after detecting the voice commands by user. The application is hands-free and user does not have to use laptop to press any keys during presentation.
The main page contains:
➤ Account selection of User: lets you select the user profile/Account.
➤About: It will show you about page where application information is given.
➤ Test: It will start the application and you can give commands for navigating ppt.
➤ Train: It will lead to another page where you can enter the word and record it and update the model underlying the application.
Presenter can use this hands-free application for navigating through presentations in office meeting or in lectures.
We have used LPC coefficients and Hidden Markov Model for this application.
Vaishali Chaudhari (224101055)
Madhurima Sen (224101034)
Soumya Asati (224101046)