A R package to interact with the Open Canada API (see
to search and download datasets (see Licence at
https://open.canada.ca/en/open-government-licence-canada). It is our
hope that we will be able to bring this package up to the standard of a
packages (see this issue on ropensci/wishlist
This package makes extensive use of ckanr
to access the Canadian
government’s CKAN REST API.
The code is under GPL-3 license. All the data is under Open Government License (http://open.canada.ca/en/open-government-licence-canada).
Hex Logo done with hexSticker
You can install rgovcan
from CRAN like so:
For the development version, you will need to use
to install from
- First, load the package. The default
url will be set to the Open Canada Portal.
## ℹ ckanr url set to https://open.canada.ca
If you happen to change the default url, you can reset it back to the
default with govcan_setup()
## ℹ ckanr url set to https://open.canada.ca
- A typical workflow with
can start with runninggovcan_search()
on a given set of keywords. This yields astack
(object of classckan_package_stack
dfo_search <- govcan_search(keywords = c("dfo"), records = 10)
## ℹ Searching the Open Portal for records matching: dfo
## ℹ CKAN query: 437 records found for keywords: dfo
## ℹ 437 matching records were found, 10 records were returned
dfo_search # outputs a `ckan_package_stack`
## ── <CKAN Package Stack with 10 Packages> ───────────────────────────────────────
## First 5 packages:
## → <CKAN Package> 5798c4b6-d9d6-4328-9349-f66020403b4c
## Title: Ministerial transition binder 2018 (DFO)
## → <CKAN Package> 830908ab-6abd-461d-ace9-b2673dd92b30
## Title: Ministerial transition binder 2019 (DFO)
## → <CKAN Package> 5cfd93bd-b3ee-4b0b-8816-33d388f6811d
## Title: DFO sea lice audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites
## → <CKAN Package> 4dc95665-3d44-428c-bb26-12f981c57060
## Title: DFO’s fish health monitoring activities at BC aquaculture sites
## → <CKAN Package> c1a54a0c-4eb0-4b50-be1f-01aee632527e
## Title: Results of DFO benthic audits of British Columbia marine finfish aquaculture sites
see ?govcan_search
for further details.
- Another possibility is to start with a package id corresponding to
an actual record and retrieve a
id <- "7ac5fe02-308d-4fff-b805-80194f8ddeb4" # Package ID
id_search <- govcan_get_record(record_id = id)
## ℹ Searching for dataset with id: 7ac5fe02-308d-4fff-b805-80194f8ddeb4
## ℹ Record found: "Pacific Region Commercial Salmon Fishery In-season Catch Estimates"
id_search # outputs a `ckan_package`
## <CKAN Package> 7ac5fe02-308d-4fff-b805-80194f8ddeb4
## Title: Pacific Region Commercial Salmon Fishery In-season Catch Estimates
## Creator/Modified: 2018-09-21T12:18:04.128562 / 2020-04-30T17:49:14.169519
## Resources (up to 5): Data Dictionary, Commercial Salmon In-Season Catch Estimates (In Pieces) From 2004 To 2019, Data Dictionary, Commercial Salmon In-Season Catch Estimates (In Pieces) From 2004 To 2019, Pacific Region Commercial Salmon Fishery In-season Catch Estimates
## Tags (up to 5):
## Groups (up to 5):
- Once the packages have been retrieved from the portal, you can use
on those results to display theckan_resource
s contained in the packages (a “resource” is any dataset attached to a given record). This outputs ackan_resource_stack
when called on a unique package.
id_resources <- govcan_get_resources(id_search)
id_resources # outputs a `resource_stack`
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 5 Resource>
## Resources:
## <CKAN Resource> 0c1b2697-4ba6-4b66-b70f-72445d00443b
## Name: Data Dictionary
## Format: HTML
## <CKAN Resource> eb138d6a-1a8b-4907-af91-c9c728fe9531
## Name: Commercial Salmon In-Season Catch Estimates (In Pieces) From 2004 To 2019
## Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> f3e7fa0f-65d5-408d-919c-0e31a26251f2
## Name: Data Dictionary
## Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 9374bf48-9f71-4216-9b2a-ddf295b30046
## Name: Commercial Salmon In-Season Catch Estimates (In Pieces) From 2004 To 2019
## Format: ESRI REST
## <CKAN Resource> 53b268cb-d734-4432-8798-aa9f6ddbd637
## Name: Pacific Region Commercial Salmon Fishery In-season Catch Estimates
## Format: ESRI REST
Or a list of stacks if called onto a ckan_package_stack
dfo_resources <- govcan_get_resources(dfo_search)
dfo_resources # outputs a list of `resource_stack`s
## [[1]]
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 2 Resource>
## Resources:
## <CKAN Resource> 588f9a30-a588-4b6a-bebd-ef82e1b67680
## Name: Ministerial transition binder 2018
## Format: HTML
## <CKAN Resource> 8acdcfe5-6434-4d11-82e8-70def931c26e
## Name: Ministerial transition binder 2018
## Format: HTML
## [[2]]
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 2 Resource>
## Resources:
## <CKAN Resource> 6c13c5e1-78c9-40db-a729-93d9bd52d037
## Name: Ministerial transition binder 2019
## Format: HTML
## <CKAN Resource> 427e7a83-be9f-4a4e-9777-31ad088252bb
## Name: Ministerial transition binder 2019
## Format: HTML
## [[3]]
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 6 Resource>
## Resources:
## <CKAN Resource> 96852f26-a35d-4c4a-abe0-20a77aee8c93
## Name: DFO sea lice audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites, 2011 ongoing
## Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> bc58d577-d47c-4df7-9627-b35a892368fa
## Name: DFO sea lice audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites, 2011 ongoing
## Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 001e49c7-0a70-4087-bb78-6094c445667e
## Name: DFO sea lice audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites
## Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 17d5ab8c-2b68-413a-8a11-734a1b8e8cf1
## Name: DFO sea lice audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites
## Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> bdcdd26f-5e7e-4cc3-b6d8-77d36e9401e4
## Name: Create a Google Map using latitude and longitude data
## Format: TXT
## <CKAN Resource> b1cc58cf-8edf-4264-9078-470d69c446d5
## Name: Create a Google Map using latitude and longitude data
## Format: TXT
## [[4]]
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 4 Resource>
## Resources:
## <CKAN Resource> 26c2c849-b033-4092-8993-e1f50514d096
## Name: DFO’s fish health monitoring activities at BC aquaculture sites, 2011 and ongoing
## Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> ed82597d-a30c-4f55-a4e2-71d7ac8b7fff
## Name: DFO’s fish health monitoring activities at BC aquaculture sites, 2011 and ongoing
## Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 2bd87c89-a755-4885-b6c5-d14beddc952b
## Name: DFO’s fish health monitoring activities at BC aquaculture sites
## Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> cb52f0bf-dae7-4a97-baef-a45bb40dfa73
## Name: DFO’s fish health monitoring activities at BC aquaculture sites
## Format: CSV
## [[5]]
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 6 Resource>
## Resources:
## <CKAN Resource> f51236a0-4ccc-4fd1-9fd0-f4a109065732
## Name: Results of DFO benthic monitoring audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites, 2011 and ongoing
## Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 220ce25f-534d-46ca-955f-41c8e8046be9
## Name: Results of DFO benthic monitoring audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites, 2011 and ongoing
## Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 010b3ad4-21b0-49b5-9269-0946f832818c
## Name: Results of DFO benthic monitoring audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites, 2011 and ongoing
## Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 57de280e-2516-4309-bac4-170d73f893a5
## Name: Results of DFO benthic monitoring audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites, 2011 and ongoing
## Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 8d4eeaee-ead7-432f-a109-10873f8f208d
## Name: Create a Google Map using latitude and longitude data
## Format: TXT
## <CKAN Resource> 18cb5078-7add-41f2-98e9-8b8ea2e01ce2
## Name: Create a Google Map using latitude and longitude data
## Format: TXT
## [[6]]
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 2 Resource>
## Resources:
## <CKAN Resource> ce3527ab-d761-40db-8903-9c5c2eaaa3ab
## Name: House of Commons committee of the whole on 2020-21 Main Estimates – DFO
## Format: HTML
## <CKAN Resource> 7c013997-618c-45c0-a274-097bcb721901
## Name: House of Commons committee of the whole on 2020-21 Main Estimates – DFO
## Format: HTML
## [[7]]
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 6 Resource>
## Resources:
## <CKAN Resource> b49ab71b-ec00-4e85-813b-d508c32166db
## Name: Results of DFO fish health audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites, by facility 2011 and ongoing
## Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 8681da09-ba23-40aa-a928-5fda929712fd
## Name: Results of DFO fish health audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites, by facility 2011 and ongoing
## Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 7bd96bb4-1608-4bea-b432-329d5ef469ec
## Name: Results of DFO fish health audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites, by facility 2011 and ongoing
## Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> bb164f09-f6af-4bb2-bcf8-f2c34e9c8313
## Name: Results of DFO fish health audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites, by facility 2011 and ongoing
## Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 95b916b1-25a9-480d-9388-97ab68abec8b
## Name: Create a Google Map using latitude and longitude data
## Format: TXT
## <CKAN Resource> a1b27546-5b73-419f-a8cd-6e5c35184413
## Name: Create a Google Map using latitude and longitude data
## Format: TXT
## [[8]]
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 2 Resource>
## Resources:
## <CKAN Resource> 29f7b107-3d62-4f1e-a037-cb17e1162110
## Name: Mailing address and contact details for primary offices for Fisheries and Oceans Canada (English)
## Format: ESRI REST
## <CKAN Resource> 0637be9d-e93c-4512-9c34-2e8d78094b7e
## Name: Mailing address and contact details for primary offices for Fisheries and Oceans Canada (French)
## Format: ESRI REST
## [[9]]
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 3 Resource>
## Resources:
## <CKAN Resource> 0e8ed3c8-d67a-43e8-a4ea-1943b8762c53
## Name: Oceans Protection Plan Extent- Data Dictionary
## Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> f3fce10e-157a-4638-9934-67a378710955
## Name: Oceans Protection Plan Regional Response Planning Extents
## Format: ESRI REST
## <CKAN Resource> 428186d1-3603-4fd7-ad9d-b5ce7c6c5a3b
## Name: Oceans Protection Plan Regional Response Planning Extents
## Format: ESRI REST
## [[10]]
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 4 Resource>
## Resources:
## <CKAN Resource> 1ad4cc94-25fa-4a77-8820-4f90a1826569
## Name: MSDI Dynamic Current Layer
## Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 6810bde3-74a3-44d7-92bd-1c7435e0e04f
## Name: MSDI Dynamic Current Layer
## Format: ESRI REST
## <CKAN Resource> e0446817-be17-4bc2-abc9-304f9cc8e4d7
## Name: MSDI Dynamic Current Layer
## Format: HTML
## <CKAN Resource> 3c601e26-562f-4a80-8cb4-43d24e76f01e
## Name: MSDI Dynamic Current Layer
## Format: HTML
- Finally, you can download the resources with
. These can either be stored to a certain directory or load into session (* this option might fail due to current issues withckanr::ckan_fetch
path <- "tmp/data/"
dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE)
## Warning in dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE): 'tmp/data' already exists
govcan_dl_resources(id_resources, path = path)
## ℹ Data Dictionary (format: html - size: 63.4 Kb) ! skipped (already downloaded).
## ℹ Commercial Salmon In-Season Catch Estimates (In Pieces) From 2004 To 2019 (format: csv - size: 41.4 Kb) ! skipped (already downloaded).
## ℹ Data Dictionary (format: csv - size: 1.6 Kb) ! skipped (already downloaded).
## ℹ Commercial Salmon In-Season Catch Estimates (In Pieces) From 2004 To 2019 (format: esri rest - size: 0 bytes) ! skipped (not supported).
## ℹ Pacific Region Commercial Salmon Fishery In-season Catch Estimates (format: esri rest - size: 0 bytes) ! skipped (not supported).
## # A tibble: 5 x 7
## id package_id url path fmt store data
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl>
## 1 0c1b2697-… 7ac5fe02-308d-… https://pacgis0… /home/vlucet/Do… html disk NA
## 2 eb138d6a-… 7ac5fe02-308d-… https://pacgis0… /home/vlucet/Do… csv disk NA
## 3 f3e7fa0f-… 7ac5fe02-308d-… https://pacgis0… /home/vlucet/Do… csv disk NA
## 4 9374bf48-… 7ac5fe02-308d-… https://gisp.df… <NA> esri… <NA> NA
## 5 53b268cb-… 7ac5fe02-308d-… https://gisp.df… <NA> esri… <NA> NA
see ?govcan_dl_resources
for further details.