This sample shows how to implement navigation in WinUI 3 using MVVM.
It uses ViewModel First approch
It has 3 mode of backward navigation :
-None(Default mode)
-StoreTypes (ViewModels are not stored only their types and then are inistited)
-StoreStates (ViewModels are stored)
It supports max number for Backward Navigation
It also supports Nested Views.
1.Create a root Page:
xmlns:mc="" xmlns:viewmodel="using:MvvmNavigation.ViewModel" xmlns:converters="using:MvvmNavigation.Converters"
Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
<Frame Content="{Binding ChildPageNavigation.ViewModel,Converter={StaticResource Vm2V}}"/>
also include the converter
<converters:ViewModelToView x:Key="Vm2V"/>
2.Create the ViewModel for the root Page
internal class RootPageViewModel:ObservableObject
public RootPageViewModel()
ChildPageNavigation = new PageNavigation(new Page2ViewModel());
public PageNavigation ChildPageNavigation { get; }
- Create two ViewModels for the child Pages
internal class Page1ViewModel:BasePageViewModel
public Page1ViewModel()
internal class Page2ViewModel:BasePageViewModel
public Page2ViewModel()
4.To bind new Page to its view model, just add it to The Dictionary in ViewModelToView class:
private static readonly Dictionary<Type, Type> pairs = new Dictionary<Type, Type>()
- To navigate to new Page from View Model
ParentPageNavigation.ViewModel = new Page2ViewModel()