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UruIT Angular Seed

This repo hosts an angular-seed built with the recommendations and best practices followed in UruIT. The idea is to have a starting point for new projects built with Angular. Here you will find samples of Lazy Routes, AoT compilation, form handling among other things. The project uses Webpack 2, Sass, Karma, Protractor, Codelyzer, Typedocs and Yarn.


  • [File structure] (docs/
  • [Configuration] (docs/
  • [Contributing] (/

Getting Started

Before starting, we recommend taking a look at our file structure section to see what you can find here. Then we can start playing with the code.

How to run?


Start installing the dependencies for this app:

  • node and optionally npm
  • Ensure you're running the latest versions of Node and NPM.
  • Also, you will need to add yarn.

Once you have those, you should install these globals with yarn add --global:

  • webpack (yarn add --global webpack)
  • webpack-dev-server (yarn add --global webpack-dev-server)
  • rimraf (yarn add --global rimraf)
  • karma (yarn add --global karma-cli)
  • protractor (yarn add --global protractor)
  • typescript (yarn add --global typescript)

You can decide to install these dependencies locally. It is recommended to have it globally, and if you decide to keep working on this stack those will be required every time. Just make sure -in the place you prefer- to have those installed :)


  • fork this repo
  • clone your fork
  • yarn install to install all dependencies.
  • yarn start to start app in a new tab using webpack-dev-server

Running the app

If you want to run the application in production mode you can execute yarn start:prod. This command will trigger the production webpack build and then start a Superstatic server that will serve the app in the port 8080.

Npm scripts available

All scripts for testing, building or running this app can be executed as npm scripts. The complete list of available scripts can be obtained executing yarn run as is listed below:

info Project commands
   - build:prod
      npm run clean:aot && webpack --config webpack.config.js --progress --profile --bail
   - build:prod:analyze
      npm run clean:aot && webpack --config webpack.config.js --progress --profile --bail
   - build:prod:live
      npm run clean:aot && webpack --config webpack.config.js --progress --profile --bail --env.environment=live
   - clean:aot
      rimraf -- aot dist
   - docs
      typedoc --options config/typedoc.json ./src/
   - e2e
      npm-run-all -p -r server:prod:e2e protractor
   - lint
      tslint "src/**/*.ts"
   - protractor
   - server:prod
      superstatic dist -c config/superstatic.json -p 8080 --gzip
   - server:prod:e2e
      superstatic dist -c config/superstatic.json -p 3000 --gzip
   - start
      webpack-dev-server --config webpack.config.js --open --progress --profile --watch --content-base src/
   - start:prod
      npm run build:prod && npm run server:prod
   - start:prod:live
      npm run build:prod:live && npm run server:prod
   - test
      npm run lint && karma start
   - watch:test
      npm run test -- --auto-watch --no-single-run
   - webdriver:update
      webdriver-manager update

All the yarn commands can be executed with npm, anyway, we encourage you to use yarn instead. If you are working on a windows os, you will need to disable windows defender in order to get yarn working properly.