The file structure is inspired by the Angular Guidelines. We use a feature/components approach in this seed. This is a great way to ensure maintainable code by encapsulating our behavior logic. Each feature is a self-contained app divided into components. Also, each file follows the single responsibility principle: style, template, specs, routing, module or component class. In addition, we incorporate the use of barrel files (index.ts) which is a way to export several exported ES2015 modules into one module, allowing centralize your imports and therefore your code is less verbose.
Here's how it looks:
├──config/ * project configuration
| ├──karma.conf.js * Karma config for our unit tests
| ├──protractor.conf.js * Protractor config for end-to-end tests
| ├──spec-bundle.js * sets up the Angular testing environment (entry file for webpack.test.js)
| ├──superstatic.json * static file server configuration used to serve prod bundle
| ├──typedoc.json * Typescript documentation generator config
| ├──utils.js * utilities functions used in the configuration files
| ├──webpack.config.js * Webpack config file
| ├──webpack.test.js * Webpack testing config file
├──e2e/ * folder for e2e testing
| ├──app.e2e-spec.ts * simple e2e test for app
| ├──app.po.ts * app page object file
├──src/ * web app folder
| ├──index.html * app index file
| ├──main.aot.ts * app main entry point for Ahead of Time (AoT) compilation
| ├──main.ts * app main entry point
| ├──polyfills.ts * polyfills file
| ├──assets/ * general app assets
| ├──app/ * app folder
| ├──+lazy-sample/ * lazy route sample
| | ├──feature-1 * feature one component folder
| | ├──...
| | ├──lazy-sample-routing.module.ts * routing module definition for lazy-sample
| | ├──lazy-sample.module.ts * module definition for lazy-sample
| | ├──index.ts * barrel for the lazy-sample module
| |
| ├──core/ * core module (this module host all things that should only be imported by the route module)
| | ├──components/ * components for this feature are placed here
| | | ├──..
| | ├── services/ * services that only will be consumed in this feature are placed here
| | | ├──.../
| | ├──core.module.ts * module definition for core module
| | ├──module-import-guard.ts * this file ensure that this module is imported once in the app
| | ├──index.ts * barrel for the core module
| |
| ├──main/ * main module
| | ├──.../ * all main module components
| | ├──main-routing.module.ts * routing module definition for main module
| | ├──main.module.ts * module definition for main module
| | ├──index.ts * barrel for the main module
| |
| ├──shared/
| | ├──.../ * shared module
| |
| ├──utils/ * utilities folder
| | ├──... * here are hosted all the static utilities that are not related with Angular but are used in the application
| ├──app-routing.module.ts * app routing module
| ├──app.module.ts * app module
| ├──app.component.html * app component html template
| ├──app.component.ts * app component
| ├──app.component.scss * app component sass styles
├──.editor.config * editor project configuration
├──.gitignore * git ignore file
├──karma.conf.js * Karma configuration file, just require the config/karma.conf.js
├──protractor.config.js * Protractor configuration file, just require the config/protractor.conf.js
├──postcss.config.js * PostCSS configuration, just auto prefixer for starting :)
├──tslint.json * Typescript linter rules
├──webpack.config.js * Webpack configuration file, just require the config/webpack.conf.js