This repository will be updated as an sample project for the rest of the class. Content will be posted here 1 week prior to it being due for the class.
##Contact Handle: gkiar
Office Hours: Tuesdays 2pm-3pm, Clark 317
####Assignment 1
Significance and Feasability analysis of my proposed project topic
####Assignment 2
Asking the 6 types of scientific questions about my project topic
####Assignment 3
Begin answering my descriptive and exploratory questions. Once I've answered them I will go back and revise the questions I asked - discuss those I couldn't fully answer, ask follow up questions that would be informative, etc.
Updated the questions based on our initial analysis
###Assignment 4
Formally asked inferential question about my data, and answered it on simulated data from the null model, alternate model, and real data
###Assignment 5
Formally asked classification question about my data, and answered it on simulated data from the alternate model, and real data
###Assignment 6
In the previous two assignments, we made assumptions about our data. Now, we will check them and see whether or not they are true, and if not, update our understanding or assumptions about our data to those which are more right.
###Assignment 7
Presentation about findings and methods used throughout the project.
###Assignment 8
Report stating all analysis completed to date, as well as logical next steps.
###Assignment 9
10 more questions and plots about my data
###Assignment 10
Testing the same exploratory questions on sampled graphs from different distribution types
###Assignment 11
Evaluating same set of analyses on different datasets
Discuss analyses of each dataset, compare to known distributions
###Assignment 12
Development of a plan for classifying brain graphs in a principled manner
Scree plot generating code for data
Scree plots for data
###Assignment 13
Multipanel scree plots and code for 8 datasets on the Desikan atlas.
Multipanel scree plots for 8 datasets on the Desikan, CPAC200, and Talairach atlases.
###Assignment 14
Final report summarizing work performed throughout the course