Upsolver enables you to use familiar SQL syntax to quickly build and deploy data pipelines, powered by a stream processing engine designed for cloud data lakes.
SQLake is Upsolvers new UI and SQL console allowing to execute commands and monitor pipelines in the UI. It also includes freee trial and access to variety of examples and tutorials.
Python's DB API 2.0 is defined in pep-249. It defines an abstract API for connecting and working with databases in Python. Many python libraries support DB API v2.0 natively, for example pandas
, SQLAlchemy
, and more.
To use Upsolver SDK for Python you'll need Python interpreter of version greater than 3.7
# For release version:
pip install upsolver-sdk-python
# for latest development version
pip install git+
To register just navigate to SQL Lake Sign Up form. You'll have access to SQL workbench with examples and tutorials after completing the registration.
After login navigate to "Settings" and then to "API Tokens"
You will need API token and API Url to access Upsolver programatically.
Then click "Generate" new token and save it for future use.
Connecting to SQLake using the python SDK involves a few simple steps:
- create a
- create a
- execute query
# import upsolver DB API
import upsolver.dbapi as upsolver
# Configure your token and URL
#create connection and cursor
con = upsolver.connect(token=token,api_url=api_url)
cur = upsolver.Cursor(con)
# execute query
res = cur.execute('''
nettotal as total,
from default_glue_catalog.database_8edc49.orders_raw_data
limit 5;
# now we can iterate the results
for r in res:
['John', 'Williams', '415.04', '0.12']
['Richard', 'Miller', '842.1', '0.12']
['Charles', 'Martinez', '1994.6', '0.12']
['Roy', 'Hughes', '0.0', '0.12']
['Teresa', 'Reed', '1080.72', '0.12']
We can use libraries to print the pretty-print the results:
from beautifultable import BeautifulTable
res = cur.execute('''
nettotal as total,
from default_glue_catalog.database_8edc49.orders_raw_data
limit 5;
table = BeautifulTable()
table.column_headers = [c[0] for c in cur.description]
for r in res:
| firstname | lastname | total | taxrate |
| Samantha | Green | 607.53 | 0.12 |
| Virginia | Evans | 270.02 | 0.12 |
| Abigail | Watson | 1194.39 | 0.12 |
| Ann | Bailey | 1655.7 | 0.12 |
| Kelly | Edwards | 1368.78 | 0.12 |
Note: The examples above use the sample data provided by the template "S3 to Athena" in SQLake
is very popular library for data maipulations.
It's possible to rewrite the above example with pandas
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_sql(query,con=con)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 5 entries, 0 to 4
Data columns (total 4 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 firstname 5 non-null object
1 lastname 5 non-null object
2 total 5 non-null object
3 taxrate 5 non-null object
dtypes: object(4)
See Upsolver's SQL Command Reference for the supported SQL commands and syntax.
Documentation of Upsolver SQL
upsolver-sdk-python - GitHub repository with upsolver SDK for Python language
SQLake workbench main page