Releases: UoEMainLibrary/librarylabs
Releases · UoEMainLibrary/librarylabs
Release Notes - LIB001: Library Projects - Version REL_LLS_1.0.1
- [LIB001-1129] - Metadata Games: More quick fixes to v.1.0.0
- [LIB001-1124] - Add Scott's twitter
- [LIB001-1127] - Metadata Games: Close all mysql connections at the end of scripts
Release Notes - LIB001: Library Projects - Version REL_LLS_1.0.0
- [LIB001-1102] - LibraryLabs SQL printed to screen and voting for over 10 images
- [LIB001-1105] - Trying to get moderation to work.
- [LIB001-1106] - Fix spelling mistakes
- [LIB001-1109] - Contact link is incorrect
- [LIB001-1110] - Move message on contact page
- [LIB001-1111] - Fix contact page link in library labs
- [LIB001-1112] - Centring on the crowd game
- [LIB001-969] - Metadata Games Improvements
- [LIB001-970] - Registration for metadata games
- [LIB001-1079] - Set-up Metadata games on librarylabs (lac-php-test1 & lac-php-live1)
- [LIB001-1095] - Metadata High Scores by Game
- [LIB001-1100] - CSS and header for Photos game
- [LIB001-1101] - More footer links and move to include
- [LIB001-1108] - Add Google Analytics to LibraryLabs
- [LIB001-1115] - Metadata Games: Add copyright notice page
- [LIB001-1121] - Metadata Games: Make images and vimages only increment when something is input
- [LIB001-1035] - URL for metadata games
- [LIB001-1036] - ILW Art Stuff Metadata Games
- [LIB001-1048] - Setup Library Labs URL
- [LIB001-1060] - Metadata Games- Researchers' Version
- [LIB001-1089] - Set up EASE for librarylabs test and live
- [LIB001-1090] - Set up LDAP for librarylabs
- [LIB001-1092] - Update game files to reflect EASE login & LDAP
- [LIB001-1094] - Create about & contact pages for Library Labs
- [LIB001-1097] - Update themes (and banner) in librarylabs to be session variables
- [LIB001-1098] - Test EASE-friend on librarylabs
- [LIB001-1099] - Librarylabs Metadata games CSS
- [LIB001-1104] - CSS and header for crowd game
- [LIB001-1114] - Metadata Games: Merging in Scott's changes