- First project based section.
- This sections will cover creating UI.
- We will see how to use the canvas and buttons.
- How to connect this up to scripts.
- And many more UI goodies.
- Differentiate canvas render modes.
- Differentiate UI components.
- Importing image assets.
- Intro to world space UI.
- Scaling images.
- Identify anchor points.
- Utilize pivots and anchors.
- Differentiate Rect Transform UI components.
- Utilize text properties.
- Differentiate button properties.
- Explain button properties.
- Adding custom button backgrounds.
- Using custom fonts in Unity.
- Hover and click colours on buttons.
- Predict methods called by action.
- Adding custom behaviour with scripts.
- Linking buttons to scripts.
- Spinning the cat!
- Describe the function of Slider UI components.
- The anatomy of a slider.
- Customizing the look and feel.
- Binding the Slider value to a script.