This repository contains the code and the dataset for the paper "PLC-Defuser: Detecting Hidden Ladder Logic Bombs in PLCs via Control Flow Graph and Model Checking".
Currently, we developed three datasets of PLC logic controlling the following physical processes:
- Tennessee Eastman Process (
) - Secure Water Treatment Plant (
) - Water Tank (
Our work code is located in the project
folder, which contains the following folders:
: it contains the formal model of the SWAT program, which includes a logic bomblegitimate
: it contains the formal model of the original SWAT program, which doesn't include a logic bombintrepyd
: it contains the intrepyd libraries (
: it contains the scripts that check the model meets our paper's requirements
git clone
cd PLC_Defuser/project
docker build -t plc-defuser .
docker run plc-defuser
N.B. Docker checks the requirements of the malicious program by default. To check the requirements of the legitimate program, change the program to be executed in the Dockerfile: malicious/
to legitimate/
If you find this work interesting and use it in your academic research, please cite our paper!