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Cloak Bootstrap

This repo contains a suggested app setup for when using the Cloak.js framework. It makes use of the following libraries/tools:

Cloak is versital and generally not-opinionated, so many of these components can be replaced or removed and Cloak will still work just fine. This is just the way we use it, and we think its a pretty good way to go.

You can see in the above list we are using cloak.localstorage for this app. That stores all of your app data in a localStorage structure and is useful for many locally run applications. If, however, you need something more remote, you can use cloak.xhr or cloak.socketio instead.

Getting Started

First, you need to fetch the repo, a simple git clone will do it. Then do an npm install to pull down all the dependencies and build tools.

$ git clone your-app
$ cd your-app
$ npm install

You can also remove the .git directory at this point if you want to start the repo history fresh

$ rm -rf ./.git

You will need gulp, so if you don't have it, you should probably pick it up.

$ npm install -g gulp

Directory Structure

The directory structure is pretty straight-forward; files that are related to each other are grouped together. A view file, it's template(s), controller, and css are all stored together in one directory.

|-- your-app
|   |-- gulp
|   |   `-- tasks
|   |-- src
|   |   |-- i18n
|   |   |   |-- en-us
|   |   |   |   `-- index.js
|   |   |   `-- index.js
|   |   |-- routers
|   |   |   |-- index.js
|   |   |   `-- main.js
|   |   |-- views
|   |   |   |-- view
|   |   |   |   |-- index.js
|   |   |   |   |-- view.js
|   |   |   |   |-- view.hbs
|   |   |   |   `-- view.css
|   |   |-- normalize.css
|   |   |-- base.css
|   |   |-- controller.js
|   |   `-- main.js
|   |-- gulpfile.js
|   |-- package.json
|   `-- index.html

At the root of your app, you have the gulp directory which contains files for individual build tasks (eg. gulp/tasks/browserify.js which runs your JavaScript through Browserify).

The root also has your gulpfile.js (which basically just defers to the files in gulp), your package.json file with all of your dependencies, and your index.html file.

Now, to the real meat of the app structure, the src directory. This is where all of your JavaScript, your templates, and your css live. At the top of src, you have normalize.css, as well as a base.css file for your very basics (like setting your base typography).

The main.js file, as its name suggests, is your main JavaScript file that starts up your app. It sets up your templating engine (Handlebars in this case), loads your templates, starts the app router ... you know ... basic stuff.

The routers directory contains your router files. First, take a look at routers/main.js. This is your main router that runs your application. It should look like a pretty normal cloak router. routers/index.js is where you create your router instance and .use any sub-routers. Then, that main router instance is exported. That means that in your app, you can always access your main router easily like this:

var router = require('routers');

// For example, to redirect to a different screen

The views directory is pretty simple. It contains a bunch of directories, one for each independent component. Each of those directories contains an index.js file, which is the controller. Then, there is the view file, the template, and the css.

The i18n directory contains all of your internationalization files. Your translation files and any setup. There is the main i18n/index.js which loads in all of the translation files and initializes the module. It should look something like this:

var i18n = require('cloak.i18n');

    'en-us': require('./en-us')

Then, there are the individual translation files, which simply contain phrases, like this:

module.exports = {
    welcome: 'Welcome, {0}!',
    bad_creds: 'The username or password you entered was incorrect; please try again'


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