ArgParse is a lightweight command-line argument parser, designed to simplify the process of parsing arguments directly into a struct. It offers an alternative to the more extensive ArgumentParser.
ArgParse parses the command-line arguments, instantiates your command type, and then either executes your run()
method or exits with a useful message.
- Parse command-line arguments and flags directly into a struct.
- The
property wrapper toggles a Bool value if the flag is passed. - The
property wrapper initializes a required String value. - Automatically generates usage information and a help table for your command-line tool.
- ArgParse is in beta development, and as such, it may contain undiscovered bugs. Use it with caution in production environments.
- While ArgParse aims to be a lightweight alternative to ArgumentParser, some adjustments may still be needed when migrating existing ArgumentParser-based code.
@propertyWrapper struct Argument(help: String) {}
@propertyWrapper struct Flag(key: Name, help: String) {}
protocol CommandLineArguments {
mutating func run() throws
static func main() // implemented in ArgParse
func parseCommandLineArguments<T: CommandLineArguments>(_ arguments: T) -> T
enum Name {
case .short(_ name: Character)
case .long(_ name: String)
enum ArgParseError: LocalizedError {
case externalError(_ error: String)
Here's an example of how to use ArgParse to define and run a command-line tool:
import Foundation
import ArgParse
struct MyCommandLineTool: CommandLineArguments {
// Define your command-line arguments and flags here using @Argument and @Flag property wrappers.
// Examples:
@Argument(help: "Description for arg1")
public var arg1: String
@Argument(help: "Description for arg2")
public var arg2: String
@Flag(name: .long("long"), help: "Description for long flag1")
public var flag1: Bool = false
@Flag(name: .short("s"), help: "Description for short flag2")
public var flag2: Bool = false
// Implement the 'run' method to define the main logic of your tool.
mutating public func run() throws {
// Your code to process the command-line arguments and flags goes here.
if arg1 == arg2 {
throw ArgParseError.externalError("Validation failed") // use .externalError to show help if validation failed
// Optional: Validate the parsed arguments by your own criteria
// This will be executed before 'run'
func validate throws {
// Validate command-line arguments
USAGE: ./ArgParse <arg1> <arg2> [<options>]
<arg1> Description for arg1
<arg2> Description for arg2
--long Description for long flag1
-s Description for short flag2
-h Show Help.