This model was used in: Jan F. Wiegner, Alexa Grimm, Lukas Weimann, and Matteo Gazzani (2022): Optimal Design and Operation of Solid Sorbent Direct Air Capture Processes at Varying Ambient Conditions, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 61 (34), 12649-12667, DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.2c00681
- any MILP solver compatible with YALMIP (can be from the Matlab optimization toolbox)
- Matlab Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
Nice to have:
- Gurobi or CLEX as external solvers
Main: Loads and sets data and performs optimization.
AirInletCooling contains data on the cooling effect of spraying water into the inlet air of the DAC unit
DAC_Data_5_ConstOP contains data on the process performance at constant operating parameters and different ambient conditions
DAC_Data_5 contains data on the process performance at optimized operating parameters and different ambient conditions
In Input_DAC you can specify economic data and emission factors for the optimization:
- Demand is in t of CO2
- Module Investment cost is in EUR/module
- Lifetime is in years
- Maintenance Cost in % of annualized investment costs
- Carrier prices are in EUR/kWh
- Emission Factors are in t/kWh
- Eta_elth depicts the electric efficiency of the ohmic heating
Settings contains general data on the model assumptions:
- Constant demand 1: demand needs to be met as specified in demand 0: demand needs to be met over the full period
- D specifies the number of typical days. Input data is clustered by k-means respectively.
- N specifies the number of total days
- K specifies the number of time intervals per dayo
- Size min is the minimal number of modules that need to be built
- Size mas is the maximal number of modules that can be built
- Optimization type (1: minimize cost, 2: minimize emissions, 3: minimize cost at emission constraint. You can set an emission constraints by specifying Settings.EmissionConstraint to a certain value)
- ElThTradeOff (1: Ohmic heating allowed, 2: Ohmic heating turned off)
- Nr_bp: number of breakpoint on DAC performance curve (leave it at 2)
- ConstantOP (1: keep operating parameters constant, 0: allow for optimized operating parameters in each time slice)
- RHadapt (0: no inlet water spraying, 1: allow inlet water spraying)
- RHdiscrete: how many discrete point to consider for inlet water spraying
Solver_Options: sdpsetting from YALMIP adapted to the model
DAC_Standalone_6: main function to perform the optimization
DACOutput_4: performs the fitting of the performance parameters based on the given RH and T vector (for variable operating parameters)
DACOutput_4_ConsPar: performs the fitting of the performance parameters based on the given RH and T vector (for constant operating parameters)
PLR: Performs a piece-wise linear regressio
Contains a file with the optimization results for the DAC Standalone case for different temperature-humidity combinations. n