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Mumbai (CAN Rocket Avionics)

Dylan Haussecker edited this page Mar 27, 2023 · 16 revisions

Project Mumbai is our CAN-based rocket avionics PCB stack for competition.


Final Design Report

Hardware Design

The boards all include similar parts to aid in quick design and to increase modularity:

  • MCP2562 transceiver chip to interface with CAN bus
  • STM32 microcontrollers (F103 variant at this point but this could change in the future)
  • Capacitors, resistors, and LED's of the same physical size

The general restock BOM can be found here: TO BE COMPLETED

The CAN-Based system consists of the following SRAD printed circuit boards:

  1. Flight Computer Board
  2. Recovery Board
  3. Data Logger Board
  4. LoRa Radio Board
  5. Power Distribution Board
  6. Battery Board
  7. GPS Board
  8. Temperature Array Board
  9. Sensor Board

The Hybrid rocket will add the following boards to the CAN-Based system: TO BE COMPLETED

  1. Vent Board
  2. Injector Board
  3. ????????

The system also features the following COTS boards for redundancy:

  1. EasyMini Flight Computer
  2. BigRedBee GPS Transmitter
  3. North Star Systems Payload Board

Flight Computer Board

The flight computer board is the brains of the system. It takes in data and makes flight critical decisions like when to deploy the parachute.

Recovery Board

The recovery board will include a modular deployment system. This consists of being able to easily switch between a burn wire, pyrotechnic, or CO2 canister type of deployment system.

Data Logger Board

Our data logger board will feature an micro-sd card for quickly gathering data when troubleshooting and be capable of storing 100x more data to FRAM than our mini rocket board allowing for a reliable storage method in flight.

LoRa Radio Board

Our first revision of our radio board will consist of an RFM96W LoRa Chip. It will be able to take data from CAN-Bus, interpret what data to send over radio, and send that data over 10 km.

Power Distribution Board

Power Distribution Board

  • BOM
  • KiCad Files

GPS Board

GPS Board

  • BOM
  • KiCad Files

Temperature Array Board

Preliminary design has been completed, basing off designs from Andoya Space (see below) Temperature Array

Sensor Board

The sensor board contains 100+ payload sensors for the rocket.

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