Stateless version of the telemetry node SDK for Arduino.
Data is sent in 16-byte packets at 115200 baud. Streaming data should be sent at 4hz. Data can be decimated on the server side so improve performance if needed but the devices should still send data regularly.
- Byte 0: Header (0xF0)
- Byte 1-4: Data (1)
- Byte 5-8: Data (2)
- Byte 9-12: Data (3)
- Byte 13: Data (misc)
- Byte 14: packet# (typically 0x00)
- Byte 15: 8-bit Checksum
The device id is unique to the type of device but not to the device itself, for example a device connected to an Alltrax AXE might have an ID of 0x00. The last byte of the transmission should be assigned at before it is sent so that the overflow sum of the previous 15-bytes is 0x00. (i.e. 0xFF-sumOfPrevFifteen).
Device IDs are unique to the type of board and are used as the lead byte for serial transmission. More device IDs will be assigned in future versions as necessary. Device IDs are enumerated and defined in telemetryNode.h. Current device ID's are listed below:
- DEVICE_ALLTRAX = 0x00 (Alltrax Motor Controller)
- DEVICE_VESC = 0x01 (VESC controller)
- DEVICE_MOTOR_BOARD = 0x02 (Motor board)
- DEVICE_BATTERY_BOARD = 0x03 (Battery board)
- DEVICE_GPS_IMU = 0x04 (GPS/accelerometer board)
- DEVICE_THROTTLE = 0x05 (Throttle board)
- DEVICE_SOLAR = 0x06 (Solar Board)
For the most part, only one packet of data is required to transmit all the necessary data from each board and the packet number will be 0x00 but in some circumstances, more than one transmission may be required. In these cases, the packet number will be used to identify which data packet is being sent to help with serial parsing.
Each of the system boards/nodes will be discussed here with the types of data that will sent and the packing used to send the data.
The following data points will be sent from the Alltrax controller:
- Description: Internal temperature of the controller in deg C
- Size: 2 bytes diodeTemp=(diodeTempH<<8)&diodeTempL
- Encoding: tempC = (diodeTemp-0x0C)(.48828125)
- Description: Input voltage to the motor controller
- Size: 2 bytes inVoltage=(inVoltageH<<8)&inVoltageL
- Encoding: voltage = inVoltage(.1025)
- Description: Output current to the motor from controller (A)
- Size: 2 bytes outCurrent=(outCurrentH<<8)&outCurrentL
- Encoding: 1A/bit
- Description: Current input to the motor controller (A). Calculated from dutyCycle and outCurrent
- Size: 2 bytes inCurrent=(inCurrentH<<8)&inCurrentL
- Encoding: 1A/bit
- Description: duty cycle(%) for driving the motor mapped from 0-255. Technically called throttle %
- Size: 1 byte
- Encoding: percent mapped 0-255
- Description: each bit is a flag for an Alltrax error code.
- Size: 1 byte
- Encoding:
- Bit 0: Over-throttle
- Bit 1: Under-temp
- Bit 2: HPD
- Bit 3: Over-temp
- Bit 4: unused
- Bit 5: Under-voltage
- Bit 6: Over-voltage
- Bit 7: controller in boot sequence
- Byte 0: Header (0xF0)
- Byte 1: diodeTempL
- Byte 2: diodeTempH
- Byte 3: inVoltageL
- Byte 4: inVoltageH
- Byte 5: outCurrentL
- Byte 6: outCurrentH
- Byte 7: inCurrentL
- Byte 8: inCurrentH
- Byte 9: dutyCycle
- Byte 10: errorCode
- Byte 11-13: 0x00 (unused)
- Byte 14: 0x00 (packet #)
- Byte 15: 8-bit checksum
- Byte 0: Header (0x50)
- Byte 1: throttleL
- Byte 2: throttleH
- Byte 3-13: 0x00 (unused)
- Byte 14: 0x00 (packet #)
- Byte 15: 8-bit checksum
The following data points will be sent from the VESC:
- Description: average temp of the MOSFETs on the controller in deg C
- Size: 2 bytes fetTemp=(fetTempH<<8)|fetTempL
- Encoding: (fetTemp-0x0C)(.48828125)
- Description: input voltage to controller
- Size: 2 bytes inVoltage=(inVoltageH<<8)|inVoltageL
- Encoding: .1025 V/bit
- Description: motor coil current (A)
- Size: 2 bytes outCurrent=(outCurrentH<<8)|outCurrentL
- Encoding: 1A/bit
- Description: input current from batteries
- Size: 2 bytes inCurrent=(inCurrentH<<8)|inCurrentL
- Encoding: 1A/Bit
- Description: duty cycle (%) used by the motor
- Size: 1 byte
- Encoding: percent mapped to 0-255
- Description: each bit is a flag for an VESC fault code.
- Size: 1 byte
- Encoding:
- Bit 2: DRV_FAULT
- Bit 6: unused
- Bit 7: unused
- Byte 0: Header (0xF0)
- Byte 1: fetTempL
- Byte 2: fetTempH
- Byte 3: inVoltageL
- Byte 4: inVoltageH
- Byte 5: outCurrentL
- Byte 6: outCurrentH
- Byte 7: inCurrentL
- Byte 8: inCurrentH
- Byte 9: dutyCycle
- Byte 10: faultCode
- Byte 11-13: 0x00 (unused)
- Byte 14: 0x00 (packet #)
- Byte 15: 8-bit checksum
- Byte 0: Header (0x50)
- Byte 1: throttleL
- Byte 2: throttleH
- Byte 3-13: 0x00 (unused)
- Byte 14: 0x00 (packet #)
- Byte 15: 8-bit checksum
Data points to be sent from the custom motor board:
- Description: Temperature of the motor in deg C (found with thermoresistor)
- Size: 4 bytes
- Encoding: none, standard float (little endian)
- Description: RPM of the motor shaft (found with Hall-Switch)
- Size: 4 bytes
- Encoding: none, standard int (little endian)
- Description: calculated value of RPM at the prop from motorRPM and gearing
- Size: 4 bytes
- Encoding: none, standard int
- Byte 0: DeviceID (0x02)
- Bytes 1-4: motorTemp (little endian)
- Bytes 5-8: motorRPM (little endian)
- Bytes 9-12: propRPM (little endian)
- Byte 13: 0x00 (unused)
- Byte 14: 0x00 (packet #)
- Byte 15: 8-bit checksum
Data points to be sent from the GPS board from Adafruit GPS module:
- Description: signed position latitude (e=positive, w=negative)
- Size: 4 bytes
- Encoding: none, standard float (little endian)
- Description: signed position longitude (n=positive, s=negative)
- Size: 4 bytes
- Encoding: none, standard float (little endian)
- Description: mapped angle heading (0,360) -> (0,255)
- Size: 1 byte
- Encoding: (0,360) -> (0,255)
- Description: Speed of the boat in knots
- Size: 4 bytes
- Encoding: none, standard float
- Description: Number of satellites connected
- Size: 1 byte
- Encoding: none, standard byte (little endian)
- Description: current epoch time in milliseconds
- Size: 4 bytes
- Encoding Standard epoch encoding (little endian)
Packet 0x00:
- Byte 0: Header (0xF0)
- Bytes 1-4: lat
- Bytes 5-8: lng
- Bytes 9-12: time
- Byte 13: numSat
- Byte 14: 0x00 (packet#)
- Byte 15: 8-bit Checksum
Packet 0x01:
- Byte 0: Header (0xF0)
- Bytes 1-4: speed
- Byte 5: heading
- Bytes 6-13: 0x00 (unused)
- Byte 14: 0x01 (packet#)
- Byte 15: 8-bit Checksum
Data points to be sent from the custom motor board:
- Description: Throttle percentage
- Size: 2 bytes
- Encoding: throttle percent 1-2^16
- Byte 0: Header (0xF0)
- Bytes 1: throttleL
- Bytes 2: throttleH
- Byte 3-13: 0x00 (unused)
- Byte 14: 0x00 (packet #)
- Byte 15: 8-bit checksum
Data points about incoming solar energy
- Description: total output current from solar chargers
- Size: 4 bytes
- Encoding: none, standard float (little endian)
- Description: output current from solar charger 1
- Size: 4 bytes
- Encoding: none, standard float (little endian)
- Description: output current form solar charger 2
- Size: 4 bytes
- Encoding: none, standard float (little endian)
- Byte 0: Header (0xF0)
- Byte 1-4: outCurrent1
- Byte 5-8: outCurrent2
- Byte 9-12: totalCurrent
- Byte 13: 0x00 (unused)
- Byte 14: 0x00 (packet#)
- Byte 15: 8-bit checksum