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Collect and disseminate information on fee-based Open Access publishing

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The aim of this repository is:

  • to release data sets on fees paid for Open Access journal articles and monographs by Universities and Research Society Funds under an Open Database License
  • to demonstrate how reporting on fee-based Open Access publishing can be made more transparent and reproducible across institutions.

At the moment this project provides the following cost data:

Publication Type Count Aggregated Sum (€) Contributing Institutions
Articles 178,449 344,505,052 392
Monographs 1,576 10,102,170 33

Build Status  (What's this?)

How to access the data?

There are several options. You may simply download the the raw data sets in CSV format, query our OLAP server or use our Treemap site for visual data exploration.

Dataset CSV File OLAP Cube Treemap
articles APC file, data schema APC cube APC treemap
monographs BPC file, data schema BPC cube BPC treemap

Our latest data release can always be accessed via the following DOI:


How to contribute?

Any academic institution or research funder paying for Article Process Charges (APCs) or Book Processing Charges (BPCs) can contribute to OpenAPC, no formal registration is required. This page (German version) explains the details. The following institutions have contributed to OpenAPC so far:

Institutions from Germany

Higher education institutions

Research institutes

Fraunhofer Society

Helmholtz Association

Leibniz Association

Max Planck Society

  • Max Planck Digital Library (The data content covers APCs as paid for by the central budget for the Max Planck Society (MPS). APCs funded locally by Max Planck Institutes are not part of the data. The MPS has a limited input tax reduction. The refund of input VAT for APC is 20%. Until the end of 2007 the MPS was VAT exempt.)

Other institutions

Institutions from Austria

Institutions from Switzerland

Institutions from Italy

Institutions from Norway

  • Akershus University Hospital
  • Bergen University College
  • BI Norwegian Business School
  • Fridtjof Nansen Institute
  • GenØk - Centre for Biosafety
  • Harstad University College
  • Innlandet Hospital Trust
  • Institute of Marine Research
  • Molde University College
  • Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
  • Nord University
  • Norwegian Center for Studies on Violence and Traumatic Stress
  • Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research
  • Norwegian Institute for Air Research
  • Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
  • Norwegian Institute of Public Health
  • Norwegian Institute of Water Research
  • Norwegian School of Sport Sciences
  • Norwegian University of Life Sciences
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Oslo and Akershus University College
  • Oslo University Hospital
  • SINTEF (Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research)
  • Sørlandet Hospital Trust
  • Uni Research
  • University College of Southeast Norway
  • University of Agder
  • University of Bergen
  • University of Oslo
  • University of Stavanger
  • University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway
  • Vestfold Hospital Trust
  • Vestre Viken Hospital Trust

Institutions from Spain

Institutions from Sweden

Institutions from Finland

Institutions from France

  • Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé
  • Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail (ANSES)
  • AgroParisTech
  • Aix-Marseille Université
  • Avignon Université
  • CentraleSupélec
  • Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD)
  • Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
  • CHU de Rennes
  • Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)
  • Conservatoire national des arts et métiers
  • Ecole centrale de Lyon
  • École des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique (EHESP)
  • École Nationale de l'Aviation Civile
  • École nationale du génie de l'eau et de l'environnement de Strasbourg
  • École nationale supérieure d'ingénieurs de Caen
  • École nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort (EnvA)
  • Ecole normale supérieure de Paris
  • Ecole polytechnique
  • École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles de la Ville de Paris (ESPCI)
  • ENS de Lyon
  • ENSTA Bretagne
  • European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)
  • French institutions
  • Hospices Civils de Lyon
  • IMT Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire
  • INSA de Lyon
  • Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire
  • Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD)
  • Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer
  • Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l'aménagement et des réseaux (IFSTTAR)
  • Institut Laue-Langevin
  • Institut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA)
  • Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM)
  • Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique (INRIA)
  • Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture (IRSTEA)
  • Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE)
  • Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Strasbourg
  • Institut national polytechnique de Toulouse(INPT)
  • Institut Pasteur
  • Institut supérieur d'agriculture Rhône-Alpes
  • La Rochelle Université
  • Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais - LNE
  • Le Mans Université
  • MINES ParisTech
  • Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle
  • Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales (ONERA)
  • Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis
  • Sciences Po Paris
  • Sorbonne Université
  • Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
  • Université Clermont Auvergne
  • Université d'Angers
  • Université de Bordeaux
  • Université de Bourgogne
  • Université de Bretagne Occidentale
  • Université de Bretagne-Sud
  • Université de Caen Normandie
  • Université de Côte d'Azur
  • Université de Franche-Comté
  • Université de Haute-Alsace
  • Université de La Réunion
  • Université de Lille
  • Université de Lorraine
  • Université de Montpellier
  • Université de Nantes
  • Université de Nîmes
  • Université de Nouvelle Calédonie
  • Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour
  • Université de Perpignan - Via Domitia
  • Université de Picardie Jules Verne
  • Université de Poitiers
  • Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne
  • Université de Rennes 1
  • Université de Rennes 2
  • Université de Strasbourg
  • Université de technologie de Troyes
  • Université de Toulon
  • Université de Tours
  • Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
  • Université des Antilles
  • Université du Havre
  • Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale
  • Université Evry Val-d'Essonne
  • Université Grenoble Alpes
  • Université Gustave Eiffel
  • Université Jean Moulin - Lyon III
  • Université Lille 1
  • Université Lille 2
  • Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
  • Université Paris Cité
  • Université Paris Dauphine-PSL
  • Université Paris Descartes (Paris V)
  • Université Paris Diderot (Paris VII)
  • Université Paris Nanterre
  • Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée
  • Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI)
  • Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
  • Université Savoie Mont Blanc
  • Université Technologique de Compiègne
  • Université Toulouse III

Institutions from the United Kingdom

Institutions from the Czech Republic

Institutions from Hungary

Institutions from Serbia

Institutions from Belgium

Institutions from the United States

Institutions from Canada

Institutions from Qatar

Institutions from Malawi

  • Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Clinical Research-Programme

Institutions from Thailand

  • Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit

Institutions from Vietnam

  • Oxford University Clinical Research Unit

Institutions from Greece

Institutions from the Netherlands

Institutions from Liechtenstein

Data sets

Note: The following numbers and plots are always based on the latest revision of the OpenAPC data set. The underlying code can be found in the associated R Markdown template.

Articles (APCs)

The article data set contains information on 178,449 open access journal articles being published in fully and hybrid open access journal. Publication fees for these articles were supported financially by 392 research performing institutions and research funders.

In total, article publication fee spending covered by the OpenAPC initiative amounted to € 344,505,052. The average payment was € 1,931 and the median was € 1,774.

123,173 articles in the data set were published in fully open access journals. Total spending on publication fees for these articles amounts to € 206,590,717, including value-added tax; the average payment was € 1,677 (median = € 1,600, SD = € 790).

Hybrid open access journals rely on both publication fees and subscriptions as revenue source. 55,276 articles in the data set were published in hybrid journals. Total expenditure amounts to 137,914,335 €; the average fee was € 2,495 (median = € 2,461, SD = € 1,006).

Spending distribution over fully and hybrid open access journals

Spending distribution details

period OA articles OA mean OA median OA min - max Hybrid Articles Hybrid mean Hybrid median Hybrid min - max
2005 7 858 871 480.00 - 1,350 1 2,983 2,983 2,983.3 - 2,983
2006 52 1,021 1,095 665.00 - 1,340 NA NA NA NA
2007 88 1,081 1,062 870.00 - 1,825 NA NA NA NA
2008 205 1,170 1,025 440.80 - 2,830 1 2,660 2,660 2,660.0 - 2,660
2009 359 1,185 1,060 124.63 - 4,386 NA NA NA NA
2010 401 1,261 1,139 158.79 - 7,419 3 2,318 2,173 2,152.0 - 2,630
2011 777 1,158 1,127 104.85 - 4,666 7 1,687 2,072 552.0 - 2,631
2012 1,577 1,173 1,175 69.00 - 4,498 20 2,308 2,412 997.4 - 2,700
2013 2,472 1,229 1,178 50.00 - 4,574 1,098 2,257 2,260 120.2 - 4,679
2014 5,192 1,375 1,255 40.00 - 9,028 6,521 2,238 2,200 132.3 - 6,000
2015 8,450 1,522 1,448 59.00 - 5,669 6,694 2,610 2,621 126.6 - 8,636
2016 9,845 1,636 1,530 62.51 - 5,985 7,895 2,551 2,513 2.3 - 9,079
2017 14,906 1,700 1,553 8.71 - 14,634 10,618 2,530 2,470 36.9 - 9,858
2018 16,171 1,701 1,581 13.00 - 8,926 9,467 2,550 2,538 1.8 - 9,073
2019 16,445 1,685 1,623 10.72 - 7,684 6,324 2,502 2,443 75.3 - 9,500
2020 18,646 1,686 1,676 0.01 - 8,906 3,286 2,376 2,383 130.0 - 7,416
2021 22,097 1,804 1,773 27.03 - 6,417 2,785 2,487 2,471 30.2 - 11,400
2022 5,423 2,099 1,990 12.36 - 6,000 555 2,884 3,048 5.0 - 9,235
2023 60 2,256 2,001 297.50 - 5,579 1 3,110 3,110 3,110.0 - 3,110

Books (BPCs)

The book data set contains information on 1,576 open access books. Publication fees were supported financially by 33 research performing institutions and funders.

In total, book processing charges covered by the OpenAPC initiative amounted to € 10,102,170. The average payment was € 6,410 and the median was € 6,784.

Books can be made Open Access right from the beginning ("frontlist") or only retroactively after having been published traditionally in the first place ("backlist"), which can have a big influence on the paid BPCs.

Spending distribution over frontlist and backlist OA books

Spending distribution details

period Frontlist books mean BPC median BPC BPC min - max Backlist books mean BPC median BPC BPC min - max
2014 61 15,263 16,000 7,714 - 20,000 NA NA NA NA
2015 44 14,676 14,000 8,000 - 20,000 NA NA NA NA
2016 41 12,668 14,000 1,190 - 22,000 NA NA NA NA
2017 184 9,250 8,780 1,075 - 21,000 195 1,981 1,981 1,981 - 1,981
2018 144 9,075 8,250 476 - 21,104 191 1,875 1,875 1,875 - 1,875
2019 170 7,869 8,250 774 - 22,000 194 1,876 1,875 1,875 - 1,981
2020 155 7,601 7,497 802 - 19,200 2 1,235 1,235 595 - 1,875
2021 95 5,340 5,355 595 - 16,120 NA NA NA NA
2022 49 6,528 6,000 1,190 - 15,500 NA NA NA NA

Use of external sources

Metadata representing publication titles or publisher names is obtained from Crossref in order to avoid extensive validation of records. Cases where we don't re-use information from Crossref to disambiguate the spending metadata are documented here. Moreover, indexing coverage in Europe PMC and the Web of science is automatically checked.


Source Variable Description
CrossRef publisher Title of Publisher
CrossRef journal_full_title Full title of the journal
CrossRef issn International Standard Serial Numbers (collapsed)
CrossRef issn_print ISSN print
CrossRef issn_electronic ISSN electronic
CrossRef license_ref License of the article
CrossRef indexed_in_crossref Is the article metadata registered with CrossRef? (logical)
EuropePMC pmid PubMed ID
EuropePMC pmcid PubMed Central ID
Web of Science ut Web of Science record ID
DOAJ doaj Is the journal indexed in the DOAJ? (logical)


Source Variable Description
CrossRef publisher Title of Publisher
CrossRef book_title Full Title of a Book
CrossRef isbn International Standard Book Number
CrossRef isbn_print ISBN print
CrossRef isbn_electronic ISBN electronic
CrossRef license_ref License of the article
CrossRef indexed_in_crossref Is the article metadata registered with CrossRef? (logical)
DOAB doab Is the book indexed in the DOAB? (logical)

Indexing coverage

Identifier Coverage
DOI 99.71%
PubMed ID 73.75%
PubMed Central ID 67.79%
Web of Science record ID 90.55%


The data sets are made available under the Open Database License: Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License:

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License.

How to cite?

When citing this data set, please indicate the release you are referring to. The releases also contain information on contributors relating to the respective release.

Please do not cite the master branch of the Github repository (, but use the release numbers/tags.

Bielefeld University Library archives a copy (including commit history). To cite:

{Contributors:} Datasets on fee-based Open Access publishing across German Institutions. Bielefeld University. 10.4119/UNIBI/UB.2014.18


This project was set up in collaboration with the DINI working group Electronic Publishing. It follows Wellcome Trust example to share data on paid APCs and recognises efforts from JISC and the ESAC initative to standardise APC reporting.


Jens Harald Aasheim, Sarah Abusaada, Benjamin Ahlborn, Chelsea Ambler, Magdalena Andrae, Jochen Apel, Myriam Bastin, Hans-Georg Becker, Roland Bertelmann, Daniel Beucke, Manuela Bielow, Peter Blume, Ute Blumtritt, Sabine Boccalini, Stefanie Bollin, Katrin Bosselmann, Valentina Bozzato, Kim Braun, Christoph Broschinski, Paolo Buoso, Cliff Buschhart, Dorothea Busjahn, Pablo de Castro, Ann-Kathrin Christann, Roberto Cozatl, Micaela Crespo Quesada, Amanda Cullin, Patrick Danowski, Gernot Deinzer, Julia Dickel, Andrea Dorner, Stefan Drößler, Karin Eckert, Carsten Elsner, Clemens Engelhardt, Olli Eskola, Katrin Falkenstein-Feldhoff, Ashley Farley, Inken Feldsien-Sudhaus, Silke Frank, Fabian Franke, Claudia Frick, Marléne Friedrich, Paola Galimberti, Agnes Geißelmann, Kai Karin Geschuhn, Silvia Giannini, Marianna Gnoato, Steffi Grimm, Birgit Hablizel, Florian Hagen, Christina Hemme, Ulrich Herb, Elfi Hesse, Dana Horch, Larissa Gordon, Ute Grimmel-Holzwarth, Evgenia Grishina, Christian Gutknecht, Uli Hahn, Kristina Hanig, Margit L. Hartung, Dominik Hell, Eike Hentschel, Ulrich Herb, Stephanie Herzog, Kathrin Höhner, Christie Hurrell, Arto Ikonen, Doris Jaeger, Najko Jahn, Alexandra Jobmann, Daniela Jost, Tiina Jounio, Juho Jussila, Nadja Kalinna, Mirjam Kant, Andreas Kennecke, Robert Kiley, Ilka Kleinod, Lydia Koglin, Nives Korrodi, Biljana Kosanovic, Stephanie Kroiß, Gerrit Kuehle, Stefanie Kutz, Marjo Kuusela, Anna Laakkonen, Ignasi Labastida i Juan, Gerald Langhanke, Inga Larres, Stuart Lawson, Anne Lehto, Sari Leppänen, Camilla Lindelöw, Maria Löffler, Jutta Lotz, Kathrin Lucht-Roussel, Susanne Luger, Jan Lüth, Frank Lützenkirchen, Steffen Malo, Anna Marini, Manuel Moch, Andrea Moritz, Max Mosterd, Marcel Nieme, Anja Oberländer, Jere Odell, Linda Ohrtmann, Vitali Peil, Gabriele Pendorf, Mikko Pennanen, Dirk Pieper, Tobias Pohlmann, Thomas Porquet, Markus Putnings, Andrée Rathemacher, Rainer Rees-Mertins, Edith Reschke, Ulrike Richter, Katharina Rieck, Friedrich Riedel, Simone Rosenkranz, Florian Ruckelshausen, Steffen Rudolph, Ilka Rudolf, Pavla Rygelová, Lea Satzinger, Annette Scheiner, Isabo Schick, Michael Schlachter, Birgit Schlegel, Andreas Schmid, Barbara Schmidt, Katharina Schulz, Stefanie Seeh, Barbara Senkbeil-Stoffels, Adriana Sikora, Tereza Simandlová, Stefanie Söhnitz, Jana Sonnenstuhl, Lisa Spindler, Susanne Stemmler, Matti Stöhr, Eva Stopková, Marius Stricker, Kálmán Szőke, Linda Thomas, Anne Timm, Laura Tobler, Johanna Tönsing, Marco Tullney, Milan Vasiljevic, Astrid Vieler, Lena Vinnemann, Viola Voß, Christin Wacke, Roland Wagner, Agnieszka Wenninger, Kerstin Werth, Martin Wimmer, Marco Winkler, Sabine Witt, Michael Wohlgemuth, Verena Wohlleben, Qingbo Xu, Philip Young, Esther Zaugg, Philipp Zumstein


For bugs, feature requests and other issues, please submit an issue via Github.

For general comments, email openapc at


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Collect and disseminate information on fee-based Open Access publishing






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  • Python 95.5%
  • R 3.3%
  • Other 1.2%