Table of Contents
The figure above illustrates our AISFormer architecture. The main implementation of this network can be foundd here.
- Create a parent project folder
mkdir ~/AmodalSeg
export PROJECT_DIR=~/AmodalSeg
- Conda, Pytorch and other dependencies
conda create -n aisformer python=3.8 -y
source activate aisformer
conda install pytorch==1.10.0 torchvision==0.11.0 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
pip install ninja yacs cython matplotlib tqdm
pip install opencv-python==
pip install scikit-image
pip install timm==0.4.12
pip install setuptools==59.5.0
pip install torch-dct
- Install cocoapi
git clone
cd cocoapi/PythonAPI
python build_ext install
- Install AISFormer
git clone
cd AISFormer/
python3 build develop
- Expected Directory Structure
|-- AISFormer/
|-- cocoapi/
Download the Images from KITTI dataset.
The Amodal Annotations could be found at KINS dataset
The D2S Amodal dataset could be found at mvtec-d2sa.
The COCOA dataset annotation from here (reference from The images of COCOA dataset is the train2014 and val2014 of COCO dataset.
AISFormer support datasets as coco format. It can be as follow (not necessarily the same as it depends on register data code)
|-- AISFormer/
|-- cocoapi/
|-- data/
|---- datasets/
|------- KINS/
|---------- train_imgs/
|---------- test_imgs/
|---------- annotations/
|------------- train.json
|------------- test.json
|------- D2SA/
Then, See here for more details on data registration
After registering, run the preprocessing scripts to generate occluder mask annotation, for example:
python -m \
/path/to/KINS/train.json \
/path/to/KINS/train_imgs \
the expected new annotation can be as follow:
|-- AISFormer/
|-- cocoapi/
|-- data/
|---- datasets/
|------- KINS/
|---------- train_imgs/
|---------- test_imgs/
|---------- annotations/
|------------- train.json
|------------- train_amodal.json
|------------- test.json
|------- D2SA/
Configuration files for training AISFormer on each datasets are available here.
To train, test and run demo, see the example scripts at scripts/
- AISFormer R50 on KINS
- AISFormer R50 on D2SA (TBA)
- AISFormer R50 on COCOA-cls (TBA)
This code utilize BCNet for dataset mapping with occluder, VRSP-Net for amodal evalutation, and detectron2 as entire pipeline with Faster RCNN meta arch.
title={AISFormer: Amodal Instance Segmentation with Transformer},
author={Tran, Minh and Vo, Khoa and Yamazaki, Kashu and Fernandes, Arthur and Kidd, Michael and Le, Ngan},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.06323},