- NXT and Simba Client Pairing
- Send Fake Input to the NXT client with or without focus
- Allows you to use your Host PC while botting
- Works with any include for NXT
- Supports drawing with WindowOverlay
- Filter Bot/User Input
Something similar to SMART but for the NXT Client was needed.
NAS uses the Win32 API to do everything it does. It uses PostMessage to send fake input to the 'Paired' NXT Game Client
Currently NAS disables the ability to minimize the paired NXT client at all, but still allows you to use your Host PC and bot without issues
The NXT Game Window will continue to run in the background, though you may not be able to minimize it, you can still focus on other programs like games, your browser, or whatever it may be, and use those programs without interfering with the client
- NAS_INI: Uses the NXT Client Process ID, Simba Process ID, and Simba Thread ID to keep track of paired clients
- NAS_Pair: The Structure of a Paired Client
- NAS_Keyboard: Keyboard related functions
- NAS_Mouse: Mouse related functions
- NAS Debug: Each structure has debug methods, you can enable debug by using
, you can disable debug to each individual structure
NAS overrides almost all of Simba's mouse/keyboard functions, like KeyDown, KeyUp, MoveMouse, all of which can be found in Mouse/Keyboard Overrides.pas This is to maintain compatibility between includes
NAS uses the official NXT Client, so just boot NXT up and start the script
The NXT Client must be set to Compatibility Mode if you want Color-finding functions to work! It's normal for the client to lag until it fully loads the shaders
program new;
{$I NAS\NAS.simba}
You can use Olly's WindowOverlay Simba plugin to draw on external targets, be sure to create the overlay after NAS.init()
program new;
{$I NAS\NAS.simba}
{$loadlib libwindowoverlay}
Overlay: TWindowOverlay;
if (NAS.init()) then
// `TargetWindow` not specified. Will use Simba's current target
Overlay := TWindowOverlay.Create(); // by this point the current Simba target should be the NXT client, set by NAS.init()
// Overlay.Bitmap is a TMufasaBitmap, let's draw a red rectangle.
Overlay.Bitmap.Rectangle([100, 100, 200, 200], 255);