This tool provides you a fast method to convert models among eight Left 4 Dead 2 Survivors.
Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 and above, x64 based.
This tool contains 7 Folders, 4 BATs:
Folder Materials: Stores materials (portraits not included).
Folder Portraits: Stores portraits (other materials not included).
Folder Survivors: Stores compiling files for survivor model, besides a temp QCI file (1_main.qci).
Folder Weapons: Stores compiling files for weapon model, besides a temp QCI file (1_main.qci).
Folder OUTPUTS: Stores outputed addon folders.
Folder LOGS: Stores error logs.
Folder App: Stores tool files.
StartCompile.bat: The main program.
PerformCleanup.bat: Clear compiling files, but not program config and 1_main.qci(s).
PerformReset.bat: Clear compiling files, including program config and 1_main.qci(s).
AutoPlacing.bat: The optional program for automatic extracting and deploying compiling files from a VPK file.
⚠ Do not upload or publish ANY addons created by this tool to ANY website, unless you're the owner of that containing model, or granted permission from the original author. After publishment, you must obey relevant user agreements of website. Creator of this tool is not responsible for your illegal behavior. ⚠
- Do not modify the structure and app files of the tool, unless you know what to do.
- The AutoPlacing.bat can only pick one character from Nick to Francis inside a VPK, if the VPK contains multiple characters.
- The survivor will be in T-pose when it doesn't match any animations. This tool also contains a set of new animation for T-posing. You can go inside the App folder, replace ANIMS folder with NEWANIMS folder, and TANIMS folder for rollback.
- Please re-download this tool when you encounter errors cause by the tools itself.
- BATs by 20Cat Github:
- NekoMDL Compiler by Starfelll
- Crowbar Commandline by mrglaster (Modified default configs)
- Your Survivor VPK addon
- Drag your VPK file into AutoPlacing.bat.
- Follow the instructions on screen.
- When finished, you can see outputs in 5_OUTPUT . Please modify them as you need, and re-pack them with vpk.exe (or with other method).
- See error logs in 6_LOGS , if it failed to compile.
- Crowbar 0.74
- Notepad2 (or other text editor)
- Your Survivor VPK addon
- Make sure of your Crowbar settings be like:
- Output to: "Subfolder (of MDL input)", "dec_0.74"
- Re-Create Files: "Group into QCI files": Checked
- Unpack VPK using vpk.exe or with other method.
- Go to YourAddon\materials\vgui , rename 3 VTF files (Panel, Incap, Lobby portraits) to s.vtf, i.vtf, l.vtf respectively.
- Move that 3 VTF files to 2_Portraits.
- Delete folder YourAddon\materials\vgui, and move all items inside folder YourAddon\materials to 1_Materials.
- Go to YourAddon\models\survivors, decompile MDL file using Crowbar.
- Go to YourAddon\models\survivors\dec_0.74\survivor_xxx_anims , move 2 SMDs (a_proportions.smd、a_proportions_corrective_animation.smd) to upper folder (YourAddon\models\survivors\dec_0.74). (Step 7 can be skipped, if your survivor model doesn't have proportions)
- Move all SMDs, VRD, VTA files in YourAddon\models\survivors\dec_0.74 to 3_Survivors.
- Open QC file in YourAddon\models\survivors\dec_0.74 using Notepad2:
Go to the bottom of QC, check up the last line of $includemodels, remember what animation of the MDL using.
Animation Character anim_gambler Nick anim_producer Rochelle anim_coach Coach anim_mechanic Ellis anim_namvet Bill anim_teenangst Zoey anim_biker Francis or Louis -
Delete these lines at the top:
// Created by Crowbar 0.7x $modelname "survivors\survivor_xxx.mdl"
Delete these 4 kinds of relevant lines at the bottom. (Also means delete from the next line of the first $weightlist or $ikautoplaylock line, until the end of QC)
$animation {xxx} $sequence {xxx} $declaresequence xxx $includemodel xxx
After done, the QC code looks like:
// $modelname "survivors/survivor_xxx.mdl" // Delete upper codes end from this line $model "Survivor" "xxx.smd" { ... } $bodygroup "xxx" { ... } // other codes in the middle // other codes in the middle // other codes in the middle $ikautoplaylock "rfoot" 1 0.1 $ikautoplaylock "lfoot" 1 0.1 // delete bottom codes start from the line here $weightlist "xxx" {} $animation "xxx" "xxx.smd" {fps xxx} $includemodel "xxx.mdl" // or delete bottom codes start from the line here
Copy the rest of QC contents into 3_Survivors\1_main.qci and save.
Go to YourAddon\models\weapons\arms, decompile MDL file using Crowbar.
Go to YourAddon\models\weapons\arms\dec_0.74\survivor_xxx_anims , move 2 SMDs (a_proportions.smd, a_proportions_corrective_animation.smd) to upper folder (YourAddon\models\survivors\dec_0.74). (Step 7 can be skipped, if your survivor model doesn't have proportions)
Move all SMDs, VRD files in YourAddon\models\weapons\arms\dec_0.74 to 4_Weapons.
Open QC file in YourAddon\models\weapons\arms\dec_0.74 using Notepad2:
Delete these lines at the top:
// Created by Crowbar 0.7x $modelname "weapons\arms\v_arms_xxx.mdl"
Delete these $sequence lines at the bottom.
After done, the QC code looks like:
// $modelname "weapons\arms\v_arms_xxx.mdl" // Delete upper codes end from this line $bodygroup "arms" { studio "xxx.smd" } // other codes in the middle // other codes in the middle // other codes in the middle // Delete bottom codes start from the line here $sequence "reference" { "v_arms_xxx\reference.smd" fadein 0.2 fadeout 0.2 fps 30 }
Copy the rest of QC contents into 4_Weapons\1_main.qci and save.
Double click StartCompile.bat, and follow the instructions on screen.
When finished, you can see outputs in 5_OUTPUT. Please modify them as you need, and re-pack them with vpk.exe (or with other method).
See error logs in 6_LOGS, if it failed to compile.