This project is a Python-based network scanning tool that performs four main functions:
Sends ICMP requests to check for live hosts in the network.
Performs ARP requests to obtain the MAC addresses of live hosts.
Determines the operating system (Windows/Linux/Unknown) based on the TTL value.
Scans for open ports within a specified range.
sudo python3 -s [CIDR]
To run the program, execute the following command:
sudo python3 -s [CIDR] The -s argument is required and corresponds to the CIDR of the target network (e.g.,
sudo python3 -h
Available arguments:
-s [CIDR]: The subnet to scan (required).
-t [THREADS]: The number of threads for verifying IPs per second (optional).
-ps [PORT_START]: The starting port for the port scan (optional).
-pe [PORT_END]: The ending port for the port scan (optional).
sudo python3 -s -t 10 -ps 20 -pe 80
ICMP Requests: The program sends ICMP requests to check for live hosts in the network. If any machines respond, their IP addresses are stored in the HostUp class.
ARP Requests: Once all live IPs are found, the program performs ARP requests to obtain the MAC addresses of the live hosts.
Operating System Detection: The program sends an ICMP request and determines the operating system (Windows/Linux/Unknown) based on the TTL value.
Port Scanning: Finally, the program scans for open ports within the specified range on each live IP address.
Python 3.x
git clone
cd scapyMaison
pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo python3 -h
Run the script with superuser privileges (sudo) to ensure proper execution and access to network functionalities.
This script is intended for educational and authorized testing purposes only. Unauthorized scanning of networks is illegal and unethical. The author of this script is not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program. By using this script, you accept full responsibility for your actions and any consequences that may result from its use. Always obtain proper authorization before scanning any network.
- Github: @TwiwX