I mostly work more on my portfolio project and its core behind it.
You can also contribute to my portfolio site documentation for developers for developing an application in my portfolio site, hodots. Documentations for Developers. How about my soon to be a game engine and it's now unmaintained multipurpose code editor, or my self-hosted chatroom's server it's clients are going open-source soon, also my work in progress office/learning management system, the other one I am working on today such as Statolumn (unlike hodots., Statolumn requires an account to interact), not planning on open source them except for it's locale which can be found here.
If you wish to see my portfolio site which I don't personally promote to anyone, its here and its free to register!, also another one of my portfolio site (Note: its still in beta, bugs may occur during the site ongoing.)
I am really proud of this being launched worldwide since I was 16 (back in Feb, 2021), It's also the right time for me to learn much about how hosting a website and most of the cybersecurity and vulnerability check and testing everything in production. Statolumn launched back in Aug. 2024 before I turned 20 in September, which makes it the last among 2 of my portfolio projects and sites as a teenager.
- Also I highly love JavaScript as my main programming language and Python as second which is what I use for Developing Sites, Backend Server, Socket Server, Hosting, etc.
- After learning how to use Docker with me playing around with, it became easier for me to just transfer my source code and work around quickly without having to install everything in my host computer.
- I used to do C# from the past 2017 for my game development using Unity 3D, though I stopped learning Unity after their announcement back in 2023.
- Still Learning C++ for my game engine from scratch and it was pain at first just for Math and everything.
- I'm a former PHP user, I used to develop most of the big site with PHP, Its MySQL databases got corrupted as moving local machines then moved on and switched to Node.js but unfortunately, I lost most of its PHP files to be published on GitHub as a Git repository since sticking with Modern version of my portfolio site.
- MongoDB, React, Node.js
- Python, PostgreSQL, Next.js, React
- Ruby on Rails, React (learning)
- Rust, Vite, React (learning)
- Cassandra as Database (formerly due to limits of sorting data)
When it comes to frontend web development, I am always with React. It depends on backend web development though, using the right tool for the job.
I have experienced working with Cloud Computing, with Amazon Web Services comes in handy, it also powers my site. Due to my financial issues to run my site properly, I can't learn it fast and it costs much more since it wasn't free for beginners. Firebase on the other hand keeps on having a bandwidth issues.
Freelancer? Yep, I am a freelancer, open to some jobs for it right now, message me for hiring and i'll let you know what I can do for you, not currently working for free. Thanks!
Yes, I've been working on my portfolio site from 2017 to now all by myself, I am proud to see it can be seen worldwide and many people are exploring on my site.
- Video editing, I mostly love doing this as my outside hobby and probably takes more time to see the final project.
- Simple Motion graphics, A low budget motion graphics can do the trick.
- Simple Art and Animation, I'm not a smooth animator and an artist, just simple drawing since I don't have much time for arts.
- Electronics, I am into making prototypes, just a bread board
- Learning Japanese, こんにちわ、「アリアマヌバ」です。, just above N5 yet, 90% Hiragana, 60% Katakana, 5% Kanji
- Cooking, I assume this is a joke but seriously, I just like cooking for my source of energy.