Dit is de Readme-file voor het project CareConnect - NMA. Hieronder vind je alle relevante informatie met betrekking tot het project.
- Tuur Delacroix Google Developer Profile
Hieronder staat een overzicht van de tot nu toe voltooide technische vereisten voor het project.
Vereiste | Voltooid |
Build a multiscreen app (at least 4 screens) using the Jetpack Navigation component | ✔️ |
Use Jetpack Compose with Kotlin to build your screen layout (use at least 4 different elements with mandatory a scrollable List, Button, Text and Image) | ✔️ |
Create a menu-based navigation and bottom navigation | ✔️ |
Use the Android app architecture (ViewModel – State in Compose) | ✔️ |
Use a local Room database to store user data persistently | ✔️ |
Use Retrofit to communicate with an API service | ✔️ |
Schedule at least 1 background task using the Workmanager | ✔️ |
Use at least 2 Implicit Intents | ✔️ |
Write significant tests to make a robust app | ✔️ |
Implement a custom application theme using MaterialDesign with a custom app icon | ✔️ |
Vereiste | Voltooid |
Notifications | ✔️ |
Use the CameraX library | ✔️ |
Canvas and animations | ❌ |
Vereiste | Voltooid |
Use the ML Kit to add new experience features to your app (Vision and/or Natural Language API) | ❌ |
ℹ️ Legenda:
- ✔️ = Voltooid
- ❌ = Nog niet voltooid
- ⌛ = Mee bezig (WIP)