In the busy world we live in, personal time to relax and simply enjoy a movie or tv show should not be undervalued. With seemingly limitless options to stream/view movies and tv shows, it can sometimes become overwhelming just to make a choice of what to watch. The Movie Mentor is here to help!
Through several different options, the user can receive a plethora of recommendations in a matter of seconds! Our recommendations possess vital information, including: rating, description, image, videos, viewer popularity - and more! A focal point when creating this application certainly revolved around the user experience. In addition to receiving custom suggestions, the user could also search with a number of parameters to choose from. Searching by genre was very important, but the ability to also search by "Trending", "Top Rated" and "Upcoming" increases the scope of the results.
Upon entering the site, the user will log in or sign up in order to receive custom recommendations(using bcrypt to hash their password). Once signed in, the "user" page will display custom suggestions - with the ability to search for a specific title or use the parameter search. Anything the user would like for future reference, can be saved to their "Watchlist".
The CSS framework Bootstrap provided a great layout for our application, which we paired with Handlebars. Using Bootstrap's navbar, modals and cards assisted to pleasantly display content on all screen sizes.
To achieve all of this required just one API - The Movie Database API (TMDb). The ability to "multi-search" for movies and tv shows proved a very useful aspect of TMDb.
To install necessary dependencies, run the following command:
npm i
This project is not licensed
Future plans for this application include more advanced search options - Including run time and release year. Also, the user's ability to see where they can stream each recommendation.
If you have any questions about the repository, open an issue or contact us directly at / /
You can find more of our work on GitHub: Christopher Turton / Wesley Tejada / Joshua Homer