- Know Common Flutter Built-in Widgets
- Can Develop Simple Page using Flutter Built-in Widgets
- Gain Knowledge of Flutter
- Know a Programming Language
- Know Some Programming Tools
- Learn Document of The Widget
- Learn Some Examples
- Exercise
- A Final Exam
- Container 👉
- Center 👉
- Align 👉
- SizedBox 👉
- DecoratedBox 👉
- LimitedBox
- MaterialApp 👉
- Scaffold 👉
- Flex 👉
- Row & Column 👉
- Expanded 👉
- Flow
- Wrap 👉
- Stack 👉
- Constraint 👉
- LayoutBuilder
- BaseLine
- NavigationBar
- SingleChildScrollView👉
- ListView👉
- AnimatedList👉
- GridView👉
- PageView👉
- CustomScrollView👉
- TabBarView👉
- Scrollable
- FutureBuilder
- InkWell
- ClipRect
- ClipPath