Couchbase has no supported plugins for the Vault database secrets engine. This is a custom Vault plugin which is used for generating database credentials dynamically based on configured roles for the Couchbase.
- Build and copy the binary to the Vault custom plugins directory, which is configured by "plugin_directory" parameter on Vault. More information at
- Add Couchbase plugin to vault;
vault write sys/plugins/catalog/database/couchbase-database-plugin \
sha256=<SHA256 sum of plugin binary> \
Note: You can generate the sha256 sum of binary by executing 'sha256sum -b couchbase-database-plugin'
- Enable the database secrets engine;
vault secrets enable -path=couchbase database
- Configure Vault with the couchbase plugin and the connection information;
Note: bucket can be any bucket on your cluster. It is only needed because you cannot perform cluster level operations without opening a bucket on Couchbase servers version lesser than 6.5.
vault write couchbase/config/example-db \
plugin_name=couchbase-database-plugin \
allowed_roles="example-app" \
connection_string="couchbase://<cb-node-ip-1>,<cb-node-ip-2>" \
username="<couchbase-admin-username>" \
password="<couchbase-admin-password>" \
- Configure a role that maps a name in Vault to a Couchbase command that executes and creates the database credential; For more information about role based access control on Couchbase,
vault write couchbase/roles/example-app \
db_name=example-db \
creation_statements="{\"roles\": [{\"role\": \"bucket_full_access\",\"bucket_name\": \"Products\"}]}" \
default_ttl="1h" \
- Generate and read a new credential;
vault read couchbase/creds/example-app
For more information about vault custom database plugins;